KISS: My Asphalt

Chin up, look at faces, not laces.

Location: Westminster
Sunrise: 6:44 am Sunset: 7:36 pm Daylight Savings Time: True
Temp: 59.77°F (Feels Like: 59.72°F)
Pressure: 1021mb Humidity: 91%
Wind Speed: 1.01 mph (Gusts: 3 mph)
Wind Direction: 328° (North-West)
Sky: few clouds

Slowly migrating away from the old system/layout.. and saving money. Hang in there yo!

- July 30, 2024 - DCS Kill Death Ratio

This is only on Growling Sidewinder server. The plan is to upload once a week with the new KDR screenshot. And the week prior. One post, two images. I'm just staring this though, so I only have one image atm.
- July 16, 2024 - BANG STEEL SURVEY

Go here.. take the survey.
July 10, 2024 - Hold my beer

Hold my beer
May 11, 2020 - A sample reloading shopping list.

This list is a decent list of materials. Several of these have options. I'll talk to you about them in person. It's too much to put in here as a news post at this time. ...

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© 2024 - Drunken Dwarves, Irate Gnomes, and Ben SpelledABC
Version: 2023.11.12.2 - Build Date: Sunday November 12th, 2023