Content Collection: Insult

'Vicious Mockery' made easy.

You clueless ill-breeding worm.
You warped foot-licking maggot-pie.
You putrid ill-breeding foot-licker.
You rancid dirt-licking tosser.
You goatish ugly whelp.
You mouldy piss-stained maggot-pie.
You filthy ill-breeding ratbag.
You putrid dirt-licking maggot-pie.
You toadish idle-headed moron.
You mewling ill-breeding maggot-pie.
You hideous tiny dicked foot-licker.
You dour ugly maggot-pie.
You sagging idle-headed mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a warped flat-assed moron of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You rancid idle-headed whelp.
You sagging dirt-licking bum-bailey.
You goatish dirt-licking malt-worm.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your goatish face could cure the world.
You reeking ugly moron.
You rancid foot-licking bum-bailey.
You mouldy whore-blooded codpiece.
You gormless dim-witted bum-bailey.
You greasy ugly foot-licker.
You vile idle-headed malt-worm.
You warped dirt-licking maggot-pie.
You putrid pansy-brained codpiece.
You warped idle-headed codpiece.
You toadish pansy-brained maggot-pie.
You flea-covered ill-breeding foot-licker.
You fat dirt-licking foot-licker.
You rancid ugly malt-worm.
You dour dirt-licking codpiece.
You reeking plague-sored moron.
You toadish idle-headed idiot.
You mungy dim-witted ballsack.
You pocked chromosome collecting foot-licker.
You smell like a mix between toad turds and rancid minotaur breastmilk.
You goatish whore-blooded ballsack.
You toadish tiny dicked malt-worm.
I didn't know they made maggot-pies this fat.
You toadish whore-blooded maggot-pie.
You fat tiny dicked idiot.
You fat ill-breeding ratbag.
You hideous foot-licking foot-licker.
You reeking chromosome collecting worm.
You reeking whore-blooded tosser.
You filthy tiny dicked dolt.
You reeking ill-breeding moron.
You gormless idle-headed moron.
You mangled idle-headed maggot-pie.
You goatish piss-stained ballsack.
You mewling foot-licking bum-bailey.
You clueless pansy-brained foot-licker.
You dim-witted tiny dicked codpiece.
Wow I didn't know Shit Golems existed.
You clueless ill-breeding maggot-pie.
You toadish tiny dicked bum-bailey.
You mouldy dirt-licking malt-worm.
Your only natural gift is being a filthy pansy-brained dolt of a cow, with an even more vile breath.
You putrid idle-headed mongrel.
You vile idle-headed idiot.
Do you work hard to be such a pocked malt-worm?
You pocked tiny dicked codpiece.
Your bark is worse than your bite, but it's your reeking breath that's worst of all.
You hideous plague-sored foot-licker.
You gormless idle-headed malt-worm.
You pocked idle-headed bum-bailey.
You fat chromosome collecting foot-licker.
You clueless chromosome collecting ballsack.
You clueless foot-licking codpiece.
You goatish flat-assed codpiece.
You hideous foot-licking bum-bailey.
You reeking idle-headed tosser.
You mangled flat-assed foot-licker.
You hideous ill-breeding moron.
You dim-witted idle-headed mongrel.
You mouldy piss-stained foot-licker.
I didn't know they made bum-baileys this fat.
You vile idle-headed foot-licker.
You mangled foot-licking tosser.
You gormless flat-assed mongrel.
You goatish ugly ratbag.
With a mangled face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You toadish dim-witted codpiece.
Do you work hard to be such a rancid codpiece?
You filthy idle-headed bum-bailey.
I didn't know they made codpieces this fat.
You sagging whore-blooded malt-worm.
You goatish idle-headed maggot-pie.
You warped idle-headed tosser.
You reeking tiny dicked ballsack.
You rancid piss-stained maggot-pie.
You toadish ill-breeding ballsack.
You warped idle-headed ballsack.
You mangled ugly foot-licker.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your mangled face could cure the world.
You fat dim-witted bum-bailey.
You toadish piss-stained bum-bailey.
You pukish dim-witted codpiece.
You mungy ugly bum-bailey.
You dour foot-licking bum-bailey.
You smell like a mix between toad turds and rancid orc breastmilk.
You fat pansy-brained foot-licker.
You mouldy dirt-licking foot-licker.
Your only natural gift is being a gormless dim-witted codpiece of a cow, with an even more filthy breath.
Do you work hard to be such a pocked maggot-pie?
You dim-witted chromosome collecting maggot-pie.
Your only natural gift is being a gormless whore-blooded tosser of a cow, with an even more vile breath.
You reeking tiny dicked malt-worm.
I didn't know they made malt-worms this fat.
Your only natural gift is being a warped pansy-brained mongrel of a cow, with an even more pukish breath.
Your only natural gift is being a clueless tiny dicked maggot-pie of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You mewling ill-breeding ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a flea-covered dolt?
You gormless dirt-licking bum-bailey.
You mangled tiny dicked mongrel.
You reeking chromosome collecting mongrel.
You goatish piss-stained bum-bailey.
You goatish whore-blooded foot-licker.
You reeking dirt-licking mongrel.
You flea-covered dirt-licking codpiece.
Your only natural gift is being a pocked foot-licking maggot-pie of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You goatish pansy-brained moron.
You goatish ugly tosser.
You warped ugly mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a mewling plague-sored ballsack of a cow, with an even more pukish breath.
You putrid idle-headed bum-bailey.
You fat piss-stained dolt.
You fat pansy-brained maggot-pie.
You goatish piss-stained moron.
You dim-witted ill-breeding worm.
You hideous dirt-licking malt-worm.
You vile foot-licking bum-bailey.
You flea-covered dim-witted codpiece.
Do you work hard to be such a mewling worm?
Did you speak? I thought someone farted.
You pocked chromosome collecting malt-worm.
A beholder would refuse to look at you.
You goatish idle-headed dolt.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that goatish pile of rotten meat you call a face.
Save your reeking breath for inflating your girlfriend.
You pocked idle-headed maggot-pie.
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy piss-stained dolt of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You toadish ill-breeding codpiece.
You hideous plague-sored bum-bailey.
You gormless ill-breeding tosser.
You clueless plague-sored malt-worm.
You mungy foot-licking bum-bailey.
You sagging dirt-licking worm.
You toadish ill-breeding ratbag.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your mangled face.
You goatish ill-breeding worm.
You mangled pansy-brained codpiece.
You dour foot-licking dolt.
You mouldy ugly malt-worm.
Your only natural gift is being a sagging whore-blooded idiot of a donkey, with an even more vile breath.
You mangled pansy-brained whelp.
You flea-covered ill-breeding ballsack.
Does failure run in your family, or does it sprint?
Do you work hard to be such a pukish ratbag?
Looks like the village idiot got into the armory again.
You mewling idle-headed idiot.
You fat dirt-licking idiot.
You mungy plague-sored codpiece.
Your mom should've swallowed you.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your goatish face.
If you were mentally capable of not spewing bullshit for even a minute you could have saved us both some time.
You mangled ugly idiot.
You vile ill-breeding codpiece.
You goatish whore-blooded maggot-pie.
You hideous dim-witted moron.
Your mom's so slow it took her 9 months to make a joke.
You pocked dirt-licking malt-worm.
Do you work hard to be such a filthy foot-licker?
Did you practice to be this much of a failure, or does it come naturally to you?
You sagging ugly bum-bailey.
There really are no gaps in your ignorance.
Your only natural gift is being a reeking whore-blooded bum-bailey of a pig, with an even more mouldy breath.
It's very hard to underestimate you.
You gormless idle-headed ballsack.
You putrid piss-stained bum-bailey.
You goatish foot-licking foot-licker.
Your breath is more deadly than a dragon's.
You flea-covered plague-sored malt-worm.
Do you work hard to be such a reeking mongrel?
Your parents must change the subject when people ask about you.
I wouldn't wish you upon a toad.
You mungy dim-witted dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a warped whelp?
You dim-witted plague-sored moron.
You hideous dirt-licking moron.
You gormless pansy-brained worm.
You sagging piss-stained ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a greasy foot-licking idiot of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You gormless flat-assed whelp.
You mewling flat-assed tosser.
You filthy ugly ballsack.
You gormless flat-assed worm.
You warped ugly whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a mewling dolt?
You gormless ugly mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a greasy dirt-licking ratbag of a pig, with an even more filthy breath.
Do you work hard to be such a hideous mongrel?
Your only natural gift is being a rancid piss-stained ratbag of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
You rancid dim-witted whelp.
You greasy piss-stained tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a pocked foot-licking mongrel of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You pocked dirt-licking tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a mewling ugly tosser of a cow, with an even more filthy breath.
Your only natural gift is being a filthy piss-stained whelp of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You pocked whore-blooded tosser.
You mewling foot-licking tosser.
You pocked foot-licking moron.
You clueless plague-sored worm.
Your only natural gift is being a sagging dirt-licking ballsack of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
Your only natural gift is being a rancid plague-sored worm of a cow, with an even more pukish breath.
You mewling piss-stained mongrel.
You sagging plague-sored tosser.
You mouldy dim-witted idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a fat piss-stained dolt of a donkey, with an even more vile breath.
You flea-covered flat-assed tosser.
You pukish plague-sored ratbag.
You sagging chromosome collecting idiot.
You mewling whore-blooded worm.
You mewling piss-stained worm.
You greasy chromosome collecting whelp.
You vile dim-witted mongrel.
You flea-covered whore-blooded ratbag.
You fat pansy-brained dolt.
You fat dirt-licking mongrel.
You putrid foot-licking whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a sagging idiot?
You warped ugly worm.
Do you work hard to be such a putrid dolt?
Your only natural gift is being a dim-witted ugly worm of a cow, with an even more putrid breath.
You pocked flat-assed worm.
You mewling tiny dicked mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a vile ballsack?
Your only natural gift is being a dim-witted foot-licking whelp of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
You rancid whore-blooded worm.
You warped foot-licking mongrel.
You flea-covered dirt-licking idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy chromosome collecting dolt of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
Do you work hard to be such a dim-witted dolt?
You flea-covered pansy-brained moron.
Your only natural gift is being a hideous foot-licking ballsack of a pig, with an even more filthy breath.
You mewling pansy-brained ratbag.
You smell like a mix between orc turds and rancid baboon breastmilk.
You putrid dim-witted worm.
You dour chromosome collecting mongrel.
You dim-witted whore-blooded moron.
You pukish foot-licking whelp.
You gormless piss-stained mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a dim-witted foot-licking ballsack of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You clueless tiny dicked ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy pansy-brained tosser of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You mouldy flat-assed moron.
You putrid chromosome collecting whelp.
You toadish whore-blooded ballsack.
You filthy whore-blooded idiot.
You clueless foot-licking idiot.
You greasy whore-blooded whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a greasy dim-witted mongrel of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
You vile plague-sored idiot.
You rancid piss-stained mongrel.
You dim-witted flat-assed whelp.
You filthy flat-assed whelp.
You pocked foot-licking ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a warped dirt-licking tosser of a pig, with an even more filthy breath.
You pukish dirt-licking tosser.
You sagging foot-licking tosser.
You putrid dirt-licking mongrel.
You dour piss-stained worm.
You flea-covered tiny dicked worm.
Your only natural gift is being a dour piss-stained whelp of a donkey, with an even more vile breath.
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy dim-witted dolt of a cow, with an even more putrid breath.
You rancid pansy-brained mongrel.
You clueless dim-witted mongrel.
You dour flat-assed worm.
You vile whore-blooded dolt.
You mouldy pansy-brained idiot.
You mewling dirt-licking dolt.
You sagging pansy-brained whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a flea-covered ratbag?
You hideous dirt-licking dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a warped plague-sored idiot of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
Your only natural gift is being a dour dirt-licking ballsack of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You pukish chromosome collecting ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a mungy flat-assed moron of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
Your only natural gift is being a rancid dim-witted ratbag of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You warped tiny dicked whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a mungy plague-sored tosser of a donkey, with an even more rancid breath.
You fat ugly ballsack.
You flea-covered whore-blooded idiot.
You vile foot-licking mongrel.
You gormless plague-sored dolt.
You warped flat-assed mongrel.
You greasy flat-assed ballsack.
You dour pansy-brained moron.
You clueless chromosome collecting tosser.
You hideous tiny dicked dolt.
You warped dirt-licking idiot.
You vile pansy-brained tosser.
You hideous ugly mongrel.
You rancid whore-blooded ratbag.
You vile pansy-brained dolt.
You mouldy ugly ratbag.
You filthy whore-blooded tosser.
Do you work hard to be such a hideous ratbag?
Do you work hard to be such a filthy idiot?
You pocked foot-licking idiot.
You greasy flat-assed worm.
Your only natural gift is being a flea-covered foot-licking tosser of a pig, with an even more rancid breath.
You rancid tiny dicked moron.
You dour foot-licking ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a mungy whore-blooded worm of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
Do you work hard to be such a pukish moron?
Do you work hard to be such a pocked dolt?
Your only natural gift is being a greasy foot-licking dolt of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
You flea-covered pansy-brained whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a dim-witted chromosome collecting whelp of a cow, with an even more filthy breath.
You sagging flat-assed dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a putrid tosser?
Do you work hard to be such a flea-covered tosser?
You vile foot-licking dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a sagging foot-licking worm of a cow, with an even more putrid breath.
You filthy dim-witted mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a warped dolt?
You smell like a mix between minotaur turds and rancid gnoll breastmilk.
You pocked whore-blooded ballsack.
You greasy whore-blooded worm.
Do you work hard to be such a pocked worm?
You mungy dim-witted mongrel.
You smell like a mix between manticore turds and rancid orc breastmilk.
You pocked whore-blooded mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a dim-witted foot-licking dolt of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
Do you work hard to be such a clueless ratbag?
You pukish whore-blooded whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a sagging pansy-brained tosser of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
You fat tiny dicked worm.
Your only natural gift is being a gormless whore-blooded dolt of a donkey, with an even more rancid breath.
Do you work hard to be such a warped ratbag?
Your only natural gift is being a greasy flat-assed tosser of a cow, with an even more putrid breath.
You filthy plague-sored tosser.
You clueless dirt-licking ratbag.
You pukish piss-stained ratbag.
You smell like a mix between troll turds and rancid baboon breastmilk.
You greasy ugly whelp.
You dour tiny dicked whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a mouldy ballsack?
You putrid piss-stained worm.
Do you work hard to be such a hideous worm?
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy pansy-brained ballsack of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You toadish piss-stained moron.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish flat-assed moron of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You mewling ugly idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a clueless dirt-licking moron of a donkey, with an even more rancid breath.
You pukish piss-stained dolt.
You pukish tiny dicked dolt.
You mouldy piss-stained mongrel.
You greasy pansy-brained worm.
Your only natural gift is being a fat flat-assed moron of a cow, with an even more mouldy breath.
You filthy pansy-brained dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a toadish mongrel?
Your only natural gift is being a clueless pansy-brained worm of a cow, with an even more pukish breath.
Your only natural gift is being a warped tiny dicked mongrel of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
Your only natural gift is being a fat piss-stained ratbag of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
Do you work hard to be such a clueless dolt?
You greasy pansy-brained dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a pukish ballsack?
You sagging whore-blooded idiot.
You filthy foot-licking worm.
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy ugly ballsack of a cow, with an even more pukish breath.
You vile dim-witted moron.
You sagging dirt-licking idiot.
You smell like a mix between grick turds and rancid minotaur breastmilk.
You mewling whore-blooded ballsack.
You gormless pansy-brained dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a dim-witted moron?
You pukish plague-sored ballsack.
You hideous tiny dicked idiot.
You filthy tiny dicked tosser.
You gormless plague-sored whelp.
You greasy piss-stained dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a hideous piss-stained ratbag of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
You fat foot-licking whelp.
You mewling foot-licking worm.
You sagging chromosome collecting tosser.
You warped dirt-licking moron.
You pukish tiny dicked ratbag.
You fat dim-witted idiot.
You toadish dim-witted moron.
You filthy tiny dicked moron.
You mewling dim-witted idiot.
You pocked dirt-licking whelp.
You flea-covered plague-sored whelp.
You dour tiny dicked dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a gormless dirt-licking moron of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You rancid pansy-brained moron.
Your only natural gift is being a filthy dirt-licking ballsack of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You filthy plague-sored ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a filthy dolt?
You clueless plague-sored idiot.
You flea-covered chromosome collecting ratbag.
You rancid ugly ballsack.
You dim-witted flat-assed dolt.
You hideous plague-sored dolt.
You pocked ugly ballsack.
Do you work hard to be such a greasy worm?
You filthy whore-blooded ballsack.
You dim-witted dirt-licking mongrel.
You sagging plague-sored ratbag.
You mewling piss-stained dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a filthy foot-licking dolt of a pig, with an even more mouldy breath.
You mungy dirt-licking mongrel.
You vile pansy-brained idiot.
You greasy chromosome collecting ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a pukish flat-assed ratbag of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You flea-covered foot-licking idiot.
Do you work hard to be such a fat mongrel?
Your only natural gift is being a pocked ugly moron of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You gormless dirt-licking mongrel.
You mouldy pansy-brained mongrel.
You pocked flat-assed ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a filthy flat-assed whelp of a cow, with an even more filthy breath.
You sagging ugly moron.
You filthy piss-stained worm.
Do you work hard to be such a hideous moron?
You toadish foot-licking ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a sagging piss-stained idiot of a cow, with an even more mouldy breath.
You dim-witted plague-sored ratbag.
You warped pansy-brained worm.
You greasy piss-stained idiot.
You filthy tiny dicked mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a toadish moron?
Your only natural gift is being a gormless plague-sored mongrel of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy flat-assed ratbag of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You hideous foot-licking dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a pocked tosser?
Your only natural gift is being a sagging piss-stained worm of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You hideous dim-witted worm.
You vile chromosome collecting ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a dim-witted tosser?
You smell like a mix between toad turds and rancid troll breastmilk.
Your only natural gift is being a mungy plague-sored ballsack of a pig, with an even more filthy breath.
You toadish foot-licking tosser.
Do you work hard to be such a rancid mongrel?
You mewling dirt-licking tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a sagging ugly whelp of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
Your only natural gift is being a putrid pansy-brained idiot of a pig, with an even more mouldy breath.
You dim-witted chromosome collecting tosser.
You warped tiny dicked worm.
You greasy tiny dicked dolt.
You gormless whore-blooded ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a warped foot-licking worm of a cow, with an even more pukish breath.
You mewling whore-blooded whelp.
You mouldy piss-stained moron.
You dim-witted piss-stained dolt.
You hideous plague-sored mongrel.
You clueless piss-stained dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a mungy pansy-brained ballsack of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You warped dirt-licking tosser.
Do you work hard to be such a pocked whelp?
You clueless pansy-brained worm.
Your only natural gift is being a pukish dim-witted worm of a pig, with an even more rancid breath.
You pukish flat-assed idiot.
You clueless dim-witted tosser.
You pukish dirt-licking idiot.
You greasy dirt-licking tosser.
You warped ugly idiot.
You vile foot-licking moron.
You smell like a mix between orc turds and rancid troll breastmilk.
You pocked dirt-licking idiot.
You clueless foot-licking whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a greasy idiot?
You sagging ugly idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish pansy-brained whelp of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
You mewling dim-witted ratbag.
You mungy tiny dicked moron.
You dour foot-licking moron.
You smell like a mix between manticore turds and rancid troll breastmilk.
You mouldy dirt-licking worm.
You dour tiny dicked mongrel.
You filthy dim-witted moron.
You toadish pansy-brained ballsack.
You mouldy ugly whelp.
You hideous whore-blooded idiot.
You gormless pansy-brained moron.
Do you work hard to be such a sagging whelp?
You dim-witted chromosome collecting worm.
You smell like a mix between goblin turds and rancid orc breastmilk.
You sagging flat-assed whelp.
You dim-witted tiny dicked idiot.
Do you work hard to be such a putrid idiot?
You fat ugly dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a gormless ugly ballsack of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You toadish pansy-brained dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish whore-blooded tosser of a cow, with an even more putrid breath.
You dour chromosome collecting whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a rancid ratbag?
You flea-covered foot-licking whelp.
You gormless tiny dicked idiot.
You smell like a mix between manticore turds and rancid minotaur breastmilk.
Your only natural gift is being a rancid tiny dicked mongrel of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You mouldy flat-assed whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a dour dim-witted idiot of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
Your only natural gift is being a mewling foot-licking ballsack of a donkey, with an even more vile breath.
You smell like a mix between troll turds and rancid minotaur breastmilk.
You filthy plague-sored dolt.
You gormless dirt-licking ratbag.
You smell like a mix between gnoll turds and rancid toad breastmilk.
You clueless foot-licking mongrel.
You toadish chromosome collecting whelp.
You warped flat-assed tosser.
You mungy whore-blooded tosser.
You filthy dirt-licking idiot.
You dim-witted pansy-brained ratbag.
You sagging foot-licking ballsack.
You fat piss-stained idiot.
You pocked plague-sored tosser.
You vile flat-assed mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a sagging foot-licking worm of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You vile piss-stained ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a pukish plague-sored mongrel of a pig, with an even more rancid breath.
You sagging ugly tosser.
You mewling flat-assed idiot.
You rancid piss-stained tosser.
You warped dim-witted worm.
You rancid chromosome collecting tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a gormless chromosome collecting whelp of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
Your only natural gift is being a dim-witted ugly ratbag of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You dim-witted plague-sored whelp.
You smell like a mix between toad turds and rancid baboon breastmilk.
You warped chromosome collecting moron.
You fat flat-assed worm.
You clueless whore-blooded tosser.
You flea-covered ugly mongrel.
You hideous tiny dicked worm.
Do you work hard to be such a greasy dolt?
You toadish plague-sored mongrel.
You toadish flat-assed ratbag.
You greasy piss-stained ratbag.
You fat dim-witted worm.
You clueless piss-stained whelp.
You clueless tiny dicked moron.
Do you work hard to be such a greasy ratbag?
You dim-witted flat-assed ratbag.
You gormless tiny dicked worm.
You rancid ugly tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a clueless tiny dicked whelp of a pig, with an even more rancid breath.
You pukish piss-stained ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a putrid whore-blooded ballsack of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You flea-covered flat-assed idiot.
You rancid piss-stained ballsack.
You sagging dirt-licking mongrel.
You need help just to add single digits.
You vile piss-stained mongrel.
You clueless pansy-brained ballsack.
You filthy piss-stained tosser.
You dour tiny dicked moron.
Your only natural gift is being a warped ugly dolt of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You dim-witted foot-licking ratbag.
You vile dirt-licking worm.
You dour flat-assed ratbag.
You rancid flat-assed worm.
You greasy whore-blooded tosser.
You rancid dim-witted ballsack.
You fat dim-witted whelp.
You filthy flat-assed mongrel.
You greasy chromosome collecting tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a vile foot-licking mongrel of a cow, with an even more vile breath.
You gormless flat-assed dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a hideous dim-witted dolt of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You hideous plague-sored whelp.
You mouldy tiny dicked idiot.
You vile pansy-brained whelp.
You hideous plague-sored ballsack.
You warped dirt-licking ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a clueless whore-blooded dolt of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You mewling plague-sored ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a warped chromosome collecting ratbag of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You pukish foot-licking ratbag.
You flea-covered pansy-brained ballsack.
Do you work hard to be such a mouldy worm?
You filthy foot-licking idiot.
You gormless flat-assed ballsack.
You pukish tiny dicked ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a putrid dirt-licking whelp of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You hideous dim-witted tosser.
You clueless dirt-licking moron.
You rancid ugly whelp.
You vile dirt-licking dolt.
You toadish flat-assed idiot.
Do you work hard to be such a pocked ratbag?
You dim-witted dirt-licking dolt.
You clueless dirt-licking whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a vile whore-blooded dolt of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
Your only natural gift is being a flea-covered dim-witted moron of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You sagging whore-blooded worm.
You hideous chromosome collecting worm.
You clueless dirt-licking worm.
You clueless dim-witted ratbag.
You dour tiny dicked idiot.
You smell like a mix between orc turds and rancid minotaur breastmilk.
You greasy foot-licking worm.
You flea-covered ugly idiot.
You gormless whore-blooded whelp.
You sagging pansy-brained dolt.
You filthy ugly whelp.
You hideous pansy-brained idiot.
You mungy dim-witted moron.
You pukish ugly idiot.
Do you work hard to be such a dour ballsack?
You pocked dim-witted worm.
You vile foot-licking ratbag.
You vile ugly whelp.
You warped flat-assed ballsack.
You warped dim-witted ratbag.
You dim-witted dirt-licking ballsack.
Do you work hard to be such a mouldy tosser?
You rancid pansy-brained whelp.
You smell like a mix between troll turds and rancid orc breastmilk.
You filthy pansy-brained idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a vile piss-stained mongrel of a pig, with an even more filthy breath.
You mewling pansy-brained moron.
You toadish plague-sored ratbag.
You gormless ugly tosser.
You dim-witted dim-witted moron.
You flea-covered pansy-brained ratbag.
You pocked ugly idiot.
You rancid dirt-licking idiot.
You pocked pansy-brained worm.
You dim-witted dim-witted tosser.
You clueless flat-assed ballsack.
You pukish flat-assed ballsack.
You hideous flat-assed whelp.
You pocked tiny dicked ballsack.
You rancid chromosome collecting dolt.
You dour ugly moron.
You warped foot-licking moron.
You pukish whore-blooded ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a clueless dim-witted tosser of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You pocked chromosome collecting worm.
You filthy chromosome collecting ballsack.
You fat plague-sored ratbag.
You putrid dim-witted ballsack.
You toadish flat-assed mongrel.
You mewling dirt-licking ratbag.
You fat tiny dicked moron.
Do you work hard to be such a clueless moron?
You pocked tiny dicked idiot.
You greasy ugly ratbag.
You hideous pansy-brained ballsack.
You smell like a mix between toad turds and rancid gnoll breastmilk.
You mewling ugly dolt.
You mouldy dirt-licking tosser.
You filthy foot-licking ballsack.
You smell like a mix between minotaur turds and rancid ogre breastmilk.
You flea-covered dim-witted tosser.
You mouldy tiny dicked ratbag.
You vile ugly ratbag.
You pukish ugly mongrel.
You mewling foot-licking ratbag.
You dim-witted foot-licking idiot.
You vile dim-witted idiot.
You putrid tiny dicked ratbag.
You mouldy ugly tosser.
You sagging plague-sored ballsack.
You mewling plague-sored ballsack.
You greasy ugly mongrel.
You dim-witted dim-witted mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish dirt-licking whelp of a pig, with an even more filthy breath.
Your only natural gift is being a gormless foot-licking tosser of a cow, with an even more putrid breath.
You dour dirt-licking idiot.
You vile ugly dolt.
You dim-witted plague-sored ballsack.
You vile piss-stained whelp.
You gormless chromosome collecting idiot.
You dour foot-licking whelp.
You clueless plague-sored ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a filthy mongrel?
You warped flat-assed idiot.
You vile pansy-brained ratbag.
You mouldy ugly idiot.
You pukish plague-sored worm.
You flea-covered piss-stained moron.
You fat plague-sored ballsack.
You mouldy pansy-brained moron.
You mewling plague-sored dolt.
You hideous piss-stained ratbag.
You warped ugly tosser.
Do you work hard to be such a sagging tosser?
You flea-covered plague-sored moron.
You clueless flat-assed mongrel.
You toadish pansy-brained worm.
You gormless dim-witted ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy ugly ratbag of a cow, with an even more putrid breath.
You dim-witted piss-stained moron.
You fat dirt-licking ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish pansy-brained dolt of a donkey, with an even more rancid breath.
Your only natural gift is being a rancid plague-sored ballsack of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You clueless whore-blooded mongrel.
You flea-covered tiny dicked ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a flea-covered whore-blooded ballsack of a cow, with an even more pukish breath.
You fat plague-sored moron.
You flea-covered tiny dicked moron.
You dim-witted whore-blooded idiot.
You hideous tiny dicked mongrel.
You clueless ugly worm.
You filthy pansy-brained tosser.
You warped whore-blooded moron.
Do you work hard to be such a mewling ballsack?
You hideous whore-blooded whelp.
You mungy pansy-brained ballsack.
You putrid tiny dicked moron.
You rancid tiny dicked dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a mewling plague-sored ballsack of a cow, with an even more mouldy breath.
You mouldy pansy-brained whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a dour piss-stained dolt of a cow, with an even more putrid breath.
You warped piss-stained ballsack.
You putrid whore-blooded moron.
You mouldy dirt-licking ballsack.
You warped dirt-licking dolt.
You smell like a mix between goblin turds and rancid gnoll breastmilk.
You pocked chromosome collecting ballsack.
You mewling dirt-licking ballsack.
You hideous flat-assed mongrel.
You toadish foot-licking moron.
You greasy dirt-licking ratbag.
You flea-covered plague-sored ratbag.
You dim-witted dirt-licking tosser.
You dim-witted foot-licking worm.
You dour foot-licking tosser.
You rancid dirt-licking moron.
Your only natural gift is being a putrid dirt-licking whelp of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You fat whore-blooded idiot.
You gormless plague-sored ballsack.
You vile dim-witted dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a sagging plague-sored idiot of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You toadish dim-witted idiot.
You filthy foot-licking ratbag.
You dim-witted flat-assed idiot.
You sagging tiny dicked ratbag.
You mouldy foot-licking moron.
You mungy piss-stained ballsack.
You dim-witted dim-witted idiot.
You vile ugly worm.
Do you work hard to be such a fat moron?
You mungy piss-stained moron.
You vile flat-assed idiot.
You toadish tiny dicked mongrel.
You flea-covered flat-assed ratbag.
You flea-covered piss-stained mongrel.
You putrid foot-licking worm.
You hideous tiny dicked ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a vile pansy-brained mongrel of a cow, with an even more mouldy breath.
You rancid dirt-licking whelp.
You vile ugly idiot.
You smell like a mix between orc turds and rancid toad breastmilk.
You dim-witted dirt-licking idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a mewling flat-assed tosser of a cow, with an even more pukish breath.
You vile foot-licking idiot.
You dour ugly idiot.
You toadish flat-assed ballsack.
You mouldy foot-licking tosser.
You fat foot-licking worm.
You greasy foot-licking ballsack.
You smell like a mix between minotaur turds and rancid manticore breastmilk.
Your only natural gift is being a mewling dim-witted idiot of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
You hideous tiny dicked tosser.
You filthy whore-blooded mongrel.
You filthy ugly moron.
You mungy dirt-licking worm.
You pukish dirt-licking mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a gormless plague-sored ballsack of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You warped flat-assed ratbag.
You smell like a mix between troll turds and rancid gnoll breastmilk.
You warped ugly moron.
You dim-witted chromosome collecting mongrel.
You mouldy foot-licking idiot.
You sagging flat-assed mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a filthy foot-licking ratbag of a cow, with an even more pukish breath.
Your only natural gift is being a hideous pansy-brained ballsack of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You mouldy piss-stained ratbag.
You mungy foot-licking dolt.
You mungy chromosome collecting mongrel.
You flea-covered foot-licking worm.
Your only natural gift is being a warped ugly whelp of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You smell like a mix between ogre turds and rancid toad breastmilk.
Do you work hard to be such a putrid mongrel?
You dour dim-witted idiot.
You dour ugly ratbag.
You putrid whore-blooded dolt.
You vile plague-sored dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a pukish worm?
You smell like a mix between troll turds and rancid toad breastmilk.
You flea-covered dim-witted idiot.
Do you work hard to be such a flea-covered idiot?
You fat foot-licking idiot.
You rancid dim-witted mongrel.
You greasy ugly ballsack.
You dour piss-stained ballsack.
You warped dirt-licking ratbag.
You fat pansy-brained whelp.
You toadish flat-assed whelp.
You sagging piss-stained worm.
You flea-covered chromosome collecting mongrel.
You dour plague-sored worm.
You dim-witted pansy-brained whelp.
You flea-covered whore-blooded tosser.
You mungy dim-witted tosser.
You sagging plague-sored moron.
You flea-covered piss-stained tosser.
You mouldy pansy-brained ballsack.
You fat foot-licking ballsack.
You filthy tiny dicked ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a filthy dim-witted ballsack of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You fat chromosome collecting tosser.
You dour dim-witted whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a filthy whelp?
You pukish flat-assed mongrel.
You dour tiny dicked worm.
You sagging pansy-brained mongrel.
You sagging chromosome collecting dolt.
You toadish whore-blooded whelp.
You fat dirt-licking tosser.
You hideous whore-blooded dolt.
You mewling pansy-brained idiot.
You dim-witted dim-witted whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a mouldy ratbag?
Your only natural gift is being a warped tiny dicked dolt of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You mungy ugly ballsack.
You pukish foot-licking worm.
You pukish tiny dicked idiot.
You sagging plague-sored whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a gormless plague-sored ratbag of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You clueless dirt-licking ballsack.
You dim-witted tiny dicked moron.
You dim-witted ugly worm.
You vile tiny dicked idiot.
You mewling tiny dicked idiot.
You fat pansy-brained mongrel.
You mewling plague-sored tosser.
You clueless tiny dicked whelp.
You toadish tiny dicked whelp.
You toadish plague-sored whelp.
You vile tiny dicked worm.
You greasy plague-sored idiot.
You greasy foot-licking dolt.
You dour chromosome collecting dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a fat piss-stained tosser of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You flea-covered whore-blooded ballsack.
You gormless dirt-licking tosser.
You pocked tiny dicked whelp.
You filthy chromosome collecting moron.
You clueless pansy-brained ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a flea-covered dirt-licking ballsack of a cow, with an even more pukish breath.
You putrid pansy-brained mongrel.
You rancid foot-licking ratbag.
You mewling chromosome collecting mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a fat dirt-licking idiot of a pig, with an even more filthy breath.
You mewling chromosome collecting moron.
You vile tiny dicked whelp.
You pocked foot-licking worm.
You mouldy ugly ballsack.
You filthy chromosome collecting worm.
You rancid pansy-brained dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a mewling moron?
You filthy pansy-brained moron.
Your only natural gift is being a greasy dirt-licking idiot of a pig, with an even more rancid breath.
You smell like a mix between manticore turds and rancid ogre breastmilk.
You sagging dim-witted tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a pocked chromosome collecting whelp of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You mouldy foot-licking dolt.
You filthy whore-blooded dolt.
You filthy flat-assed moron.
You dour pansy-brained ratbag.
You dim-witted pansy-brained tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a fat dim-witted whelp of a cow, with an even more filthy breath.
Your only natural gift is being a hideous whore-blooded whelp of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You clueless chromosome collecting whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a greasy tosser?
You dour dim-witted moron.
You flea-covered plague-sored worm.
You fat dirt-licking ratbag.
You flea-covered dim-witted whelp.
You flea-covered piss-stained worm.
You pukish dim-witted ratbag.
You hideous foot-licking ratbag.
You filthy piss-stained moron.
You toadish dim-witted worm.
You dour whore-blooded moron.
You flea-covered foot-licking tosser.
You mewling whore-blooded mongrel.
You mewling pansy-brained dolt.
You dim-witted dirt-licking whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a filthy worm?
You fat piss-stained worm.
You sagging tiny dicked idiot.
You pocked piss-stained tosser.
You putrid tiny dicked worm.
You putrid pansy-brained whelp.
You vile whore-blooded ratbag.
You flea-covered dirt-licking moron.
You hideous flat-assed worm.
You hideous ugly ballsack.
You toadish plague-sored idiot.
You filthy dirt-licking tosser.
You putrid flat-assed idiot.
You smell like a mix between minotaur turds and rancid goblin breastmilk.
You smell like a mix between ogre turds and rancid minotaur breastmilk.
You putrid pansy-brained idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish plague-sored dolt of a cow, with an even more pukish breath.
You pocked dim-witted mongrel.
You putrid dirt-licking ratbag.
You filthy pansy-brained whelp.
You mungy plague-sored dolt.
You dour ugly worm.
You smell like a mix between toad turds and rancid grick breastmilk.
You clueless whore-blooded ballsack.
You pocked whore-blooded worm.
Your only natural gift is being a greasy plague-sored ratbag of a donkey, with an even more vile breath.
You pukish ugly ballsack.
You smell like a mix between troll turds and rancid goblin breastmilk.
Do you work hard to be such a mungy whelp?
You toadish piss-stained ratbag.
You smell like a mix between baboon turds and rancid troll breastmilk.
You mouldy dim-witted ballsack.
You warped dim-witted idiot.
You fat whore-blooded ratbag.
You clueless ugly tosser.
You putrid ugly ballsack.
You gormless piss-stained ballsack.
You mungy tiny dicked mongrel.
You dim-witted ugly ratbag.
You greasy whore-blooded moron.
You pukish piss-stained whelp.
You greasy dirt-licking worm.
You dour chromosome collecting worm.
You pocked whore-blooded moron.
Do you work hard to be such a mungy ballsack?
You greasy tiny dicked moron.
You greasy piss-stained moron.
You mouldy dirt-licking whelp.
You mungy plague-sored whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a pocked piss-stained whelp of a donkey, with an even more rancid breath.
You hideous whore-blooded mongrel.
You warped pansy-brained dolt.
You mungy pansy-brained dolt.
You fat tiny dicked ratbag.
You mewling piss-stained moron.
You warped piss-stained whelp.
You sagging tiny dicked moron.
You mouldy foot-licking mongrel.
You sagging whore-blooded mongrel.
You putrid whore-blooded idiot.
You rancid dirt-licking mongrel.
You pocked dirt-licking worm.
You fat ugly idiot.
You greasy plague-sored whelp.
You warped piss-stained tosser.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that pocked pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You filthy tiny dicked idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a warped dim-witted whelp of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You gormless pansy-brained whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a mouldy mongrel?
You hideous dim-witted ballsack.
You dim-witted flat-assed tosser.
You mouldy pansy-brained worm.
You mungy chromosome collecting moron.
You sagging pansy-brained ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a fat dolt?
You warped dim-witted mongrel.
You rancid dirt-licking ballsack.
You smell like a mix between ogre turds and rancid baboon breastmilk.
You putrid flat-assed whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a warped foot-licking ballsack of a cow, with an even more putrid breath.
You toadish whore-blooded idiot.
You clueless dim-witted ballsack.
You mouldy chromosome collecting worm.
You sagging foot-licking mongrel.
You clueless flat-assed tosser.
You mewling dim-witted worm.
Do you work hard to be such a putrid ballsack?
You toadish ugly ballsack.
You vile dirt-licking tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a warped dim-witted moron of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You dim-witted whore-blooded worm.
You flea-covered tiny dicked ballsack.
You dim-witted tiny dicked worm.
Do you work hard to be such a fat ballsack?
You mungy flat-assed tosser.
You mouldy chromosome collecting whelp.
You flea-covered tiny dicked idiot.
You sagging dirt-licking tosser.
You gormless chromosome collecting moron.
You gormless foot-licking dolt.
You dim-witted tiny dicked ratbag.
You mewling whore-blooded dolt.
You rancid foot-licking moron.
You sagging chromosome collecting whelp.
You hideous dirt-licking worm.
Your only natural gift is being a greasy pansy-brained idiot of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You flea-covered pansy-brained idiot.
You dim-witted ugly ballsack.
You dim-witted whore-blooded ratbag.
You filthy ugly tosser.
I failed to get data.
You toadish chromosome collecting tosser.
You greasy ugly worm.
You toadish piss-stained ballsack.
You pocked ugly mongrel.
You warped pansy-brained idiot.
You rancid foot-licking dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a warped idiot?
You clueless piss-stained mongrel.
You dim-witted dim-witted dolt.
You filthy plague-sored ballsack.
You dim-witted dim-witted ballsack.
You pukish flat-assed tosser.
You pukish flat-assed whelp.
You gormless dim-witted tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a mungy ugly worm of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You dim-witted piss-stained tosser.
You smell like a mix between gnoll turds and rancid orc breastmilk.
You rancid piss-stained dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a greasy tiny dicked ballsack of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You dim-witted whore-blooded whelp.
You toadish flat-assed moron.
You fat tiny dicked dolt.
You gormless foot-licking mongrel.
You smell like a mix between troll turds and rancid ogre breastmilk.
You pukish whore-blooded dolt.
You mewling piss-stained ballsack.
You fat dim-witted ballsack.
You pocked plague-sored whelp.
You mewling dim-witted dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a greasy ugly mongrel of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
Your only natural gift is being a putrid ugly moron of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You rancid piss-stained ratbag.
You dour dim-witted ratbag.
You mouldy flat-assed idiot.
You toadish foot-licking worm.
You greasy flat-assed ratbag.
You dour plague-sored moron.
You warped ugly ballsack.
You rancid whore-blooded idiot.
You smell like a mix between baboon turds and rancid ogre breastmilk.
You vile whore-blooded idiot.
You mungy piss-stained idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a clueless whore-blooded moron of a cow, with an even more mouldy breath.
You greasy dim-witted dolt.
You rancid plague-sored idiot.
You putrid plague-sored ballsack.
You greasy tiny dicked mongrel.
You pocked foot-licking mongrel.
You dour tiny dicked ballsack.
You sagging flat-assed moron.
You toadish ugly mongrel.
You dour foot-licking ballsack.
You pukish ugly whelp.
You warped plague-sored dolt.
You smell like a mix between baboon turds and rancid orc breastmilk.
You smell like a mix between grick turds and rancid manticore breastmilk.
Your only natural gift is being a mewling ugly idiot of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You vile chromosome collecting mongrel.
You toadish piss-stained worm.
You rancid piss-stained moron.
You mouldy tiny dicked worm.
You flea-covered chromosome collecting moron.
You mungy pansy-brained worm.
Your only natural gift is being a flea-covered whore-blooded ballsack of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You warped piss-stained dolt.
You fat ugly ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a hideous pansy-brained ratbag of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You sagging tiny dicked tosser.
You vile dirt-licking mongrel.
You gormless tiny dicked ballsack.
You rancid flat-assed whelp.
You vile flat-assed ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a greasy chromosome collecting whelp of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You pocked dirt-licking dolt.
You sagging pansy-brained ballsack.
You greasy plague-sored worm.
You mungy plague-sored moron.
You fat flat-assed dolt.
You pocked pansy-brained ballsack.
You dim-witted foot-licking whelp.
You filthy ugly idiot.
You clueless chromosome collecting idiot.
You gormless dirt-licking idiot.
You vile tiny dicked moron.
You clueless piss-stained worm.
You vile plague-sored tosser.
You clueless foot-licking worm.
You mouldy dim-witted moron.
You mewling foot-licking dolt.
You flea-covered whore-blooded whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a warped mongrel?
You smell like a mix between ogre turds and rancid orc breastmilk.
You greasy chromosome collecting idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a pocked dirt-licking dolt of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You mungy ugly dolt.
You toadish ugly worm.
You gormless dim-witted dolt.
You putrid tiny dicked idiot.
Do you work hard to be such a hideous whelp?
You mewling dim-witted whelp.
You rancid whore-blooded moron.
You hideous pansy-brained worm.
You pukish dirt-licking moron.
You pukish tiny dicked worm.
You rancid flat-assed idiot.
You mewling ugly moron.
You clueless whore-blooded worm.
You rancid ugly moron.
You pocked whore-blooded ratbag.
You dour plague-sored whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a toadish whelp?
You dour pansy-brained whelp.
You sagging dim-witted idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a greasy ugly moron of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You clueless flat-assed moron.
You fat chromosome collecting worm.
You mungy tiny dicked whelp.
You vile flat-assed tosser.
You clueless foot-licking ratbag.
You rancid plague-sored mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a filthy dirt-licking worm of a cow, with an even more mouldy breath.
Your only natural gift is being a sagging plague-sored mongrel of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You mungy whore-blooded worm.
You vile plague-sored worm.
You sagging dim-witted dolt.
You dim-witted pansy-brained moron.
You rancid plague-sored ratbag.
You hideous flat-assed moron.
You rancid piss-stained idiot.
You smell like a mix between goblin turds and rancid ogre breastmilk.
You filthy dim-witted ratbag.
You putrid piss-stained moron.
You greasy plague-sored dolt.
You flea-covered dirt-licking worm.
You greasy plague-sored ratbag.
You fat chromosome collecting dolt.
You pocked pansy-brained whelp.
You fat whore-blooded dolt.
You greasy pansy-brained whelp.
You flea-covered ugly dolt.
You clueless dim-witted moron.
You greasy flat-assed moron.
You pukish dim-witted ballsack.
You warped dim-witted moron.
You mewling plague-sored worm.
You mewling piss-stained ratbag.
You sagging foot-licking whelp.
You dour whore-blooded whelp.
You putrid chromosome collecting tosser.
You fat pansy-brained ratbag.
You gormless plague-sored ratbag.
You hideous piss-stained moron.
You warped plague-sored worm.
You mouldy flat-assed worm.
You pocked pansy-brained moron.
You mouldy dirt-licking idiot.
You vile flat-assed dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a clueless foot-licking ballsack of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You putrid ugly whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a mewling whelp?
You hideous plague-sored idiot.
You toadish piss-stained whelp.
You mewling chromosome collecting worm.
You greasy ugly dolt.
You putrid flat-assed ballsack.
You gormless foot-licking worm.
You hideous foot-licking ballsack.
You greasy dim-witted moron.
Your only natural gift is being a fat dirt-licking mongrel of a cow, with an even more mouldy breath.
You sagging plague-sored mongrel.
You vile foot-licking worm.
You gormless dirt-licking whelp.
You mouldy plague-sored dolt.
You hideous dirt-licking ratbag.
You filthy flat-assed ratbag.
You smell like a mix between ogre turds and rancid manticore breastmilk.
You filthy foot-licking tosser.
You hideous flat-assed idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a clueless piss-stained tosser of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You mouldy ugly dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a pukish piss-stained ratbag of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You filthy dim-witted tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a mungy ugly moron of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
Your only natural gift is being a dim-witted whore-blooded ballsack of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You pukish foot-licking idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish chromosome collecting whelp of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You clueless tiny dicked mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a warped moron?
Your only natural gift is being a filthy flat-assed mongrel of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
You mungy pansy-brained idiot.
You gormless pansy-brained ballsack.
You flea-covered foot-licking ratbag.
You sagging plague-sored dolt.
You greasy dirt-licking dolt.
You mungy flat-assed whelp.
You greasy dim-witted worm.
You dour plague-sored ratbag.
You smell like a mix between manticore turds and rancid gnoll breastmilk.
You toadish plague-sored moron.
You clueless chromosome collecting mongrel.
You warped plague-sored moron.
You filthy whore-blooded moron.
You smell like a mix between orc turds and rancid manticore breastmilk.
You mewling tiny dicked whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a flea-covered foot-licking mongrel of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You dour piss-stained dolt.
You hideous piss-stained dolt.
You pocked dirt-licking mongrel.
You smell like a mix between goblin turds and rancid troll breastmilk.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish pansy-brained ratbag of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You clueless dirt-licking dolt.
You vile chromosome collecting worm.
You smell like a mix between grick turds and rancid baboon breastmilk.
You filthy dirt-licking dolt.
You clueless dim-witted dolt.
You sagging chromosome collecting ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a clueless ballsack?
You sagging tiny dicked mongrel.
You sagging whore-blooded tosser.
You dim-witted ugly tosser.
You dim-witted whore-blooded mongrel.
You mewling ugly mongrel.
You dim-witted chromosome collecting ratbag.
You mungy dirt-licking idiot.
You dim-witted dirt-licking worm.
You toadish dirt-licking moron.
You vile dirt-licking ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a mungy whore-blooded ratbag of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You flea-covered foot-licking moron.
You toadish tiny dicked ballsack.
You gormless dim-witted whelp.
You mungy chromosome collecting idiot.
You filthy chromosome collecting tosser.
You hideous ugly idiot.
You smell like a mix between grick turds and rancid orc breastmilk.
You hideous ugly moron.
You warped whore-blooded whelp.
You dim-witted ugly moron.
You gormless foot-licking tosser.
You flea-covered chromosome collecting idiot.
You pocked ugly tosser.
You toadish chromosome collecting mongrel.
You dour pansy-brained dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a rancid foot-licking moron of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
Do you work hard to be such a pocked mongrel?
You filthy chromosome collecting idiot.
You rancid dirt-licking dolt.
You mewling dim-witted tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a putrid pansy-brained ratbag of a pig, with an even more mouldy breath.
You smell like a mix between grick turds and rancid goblin breastmilk.
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy chromosome collecting mongrel of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You dour plague-sored ballsack.
You putrid pansy-brained worm.
You mungy chromosome collecting whelp.
You dim-witted ugly whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a mungy dim-witted ratbag of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You dim-witted piss-stained idiot.
You mungy dirt-licking dolt.
You filthy chromosome collecting mongrel.
You greasy dirt-licking mongrel.
You mungy foot-licking mongrel.
You gormless whore-blooded worm.
You sagging piss-stained whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a pocked tiny dicked tosser of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You dour plague-sored mongrel.
You mouldy foot-licking ballsack.
You clueless ugly moron.
You putrid pansy-brained ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a hideous idiot?
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that filthy pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You toadish flat-assed dolt.
You rancid chromosome collecting worm.
You pocked ugly ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish chromosome collecting worm of a donkey, with an even more vile breath.
You warped tiny dicked idiot.
You rancid tiny dicked tosser.
You sagging foot-licking moron.
You mewling dim-witted mongrel.
You mewling tiny dicked tosser.
You clueless ugly ballsack.
You dour whore-blooded ballsack.
You dour pansy-brained mongrel.
You fat flat-assed whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a hideous tiny dicked worm of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You mouldy whore-blooded mongrel.
You dour flat-assed moron.
You rancid tiny dicked ratbag.
You clueless piss-stained ballsack.
You smell like a mix between manticore turds and rancid grick breastmilk.
You vile flat-assed ballsack.
You fat whore-blooded mongrel.
You flea-covered chromosome collecting tosser.
You dour tiny dicked tosser.
You flea-covered dim-witted mongrel.
You flea-covered chromosome collecting ballsack.
You flea-covered piss-stained dolt.
You smell like a mix between goblin turds and rancid grick breastmilk.
You flea-covered ugly ballsack.
You pocked chromosome collecting moron.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your mewling face.
You vile pansy-brained moron.
You mouldy plague-sored moron.
You hideous piss-stained tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a hideous piss-stained mongrel of a pig, with an even more rancid breath.
Your only natural gift is being a dour foot-licking moron of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You vile whore-blooded mongrel.
You dim-witted chromosome collecting ballsack.
You rancid plague-sored ballsack.
You dim-witted flat-assed worm.
You fat plague-sored whelp.
You gormless ugly ballsack.
You mouldy pansy-brained ratbag.
You pocked foot-licking tosser.
You clueless dim-witted whelp.
You pocked plague-sored worm.
You flea-covered whore-blooded mongrel.
You putrid chromosome collecting ratbag.
You warped tiny dicked dolt.
You mouldy dim-witted dolt.
You fat chromosome collecting ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a clueless foot-licking worm of a pig, with an even more mouldy breath.
You dour tiny dicked ratbag.
You hideous whore-blooded tosser.
You dour chromosome collecting moron.
You rancid dim-witted idiot.
You mungy pansy-brained whelp.
You smell like a mix between baboon turds and rancid gnoll breastmilk.
You clueless dirt-licking idiot.
You warped pansy-brained ballsack.
You mouldy foot-licking ratbag.
You flea-covered flat-assed worm.
You putrid foot-licking moron.
You greasy plague-sored moron.
You toadish foot-licking whelp.
You mungy dim-witted idiot.
You filthy dirt-licking ballsack.
Do you work hard to be such a gormless tosser?
You greasy whore-blooded mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a warped tiny dicked idiot of a cow, with an even more vile breath.
You vile dirt-licking moron.
You mewling tiny dicked ballsack.
You greasy dirt-licking moron.
You filthy piss-stained idiot.
You putrid dirt-licking dolt.
You mewling ugly whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a warped ballsack?
You sagging ugly dolt.
You mouldy piss-stained dolt.
You fat chromosome collecting mongrel.
You sagging ugly worm.
You sagging piss-stained dolt.
You toadish pansy-brained ratbag.
You mouldy tiny dicked moron.
You putrid tiny dicked dolt.
You smell like a mix between toad turds and rancid ogre breastmilk.
You gormless dim-witted mongrel.
You filthy chromosome collecting whelp.
You fat piss-stained ratbag.
You pukish dirt-licking ballsack.
You warped foot-licking worm.
You pocked flat-assed tosser.
You sagging dirt-licking ratbag.
You toadish chromosome collecting ballsack.
You gormless piss-stained worm.
You mouldy piss-stained worm.
You filthy pansy-brained mongrel.
You pukish ugly tosser.
You rancid dim-witted tosser.
You filthy flat-assed tosser.
You pukish whore-blooded mongrel.
You greasy dim-witted ballsack.
You dim-witted chromosome collecting dolt.
You mouldy plague-sored tosser.
You toadish dim-witted tosser.
You dim-witted pansy-brained ballsack.
You smell like a mix between orc turds and rancid ogre breastmilk.
You flea-covered piss-stained ballsack.
You vile plague-sored mongrel.
You dim-witted whore-blooded tosser.
You mungy whore-blooded dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a putrid ugly moron of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
Do you work hard to be such a fat idiot?
You pocked ugly worm.
You dour flat-assed idiot.
You fat plague-sored mongrel.
You greasy dim-witted whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy ugly worm of a donkey, with an even more vile breath.
You rancid foot-licking idiot.
You warped piss-stained moron.
You pukish pansy-brained worm.
You gormless plague-sored moron.
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy tiny dicked whelp of a pig, with an even more rancid breath.
You pukish pansy-brained tosser.
You filthy flat-assed dolt.
You filthy piss-stained dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a flea-covered ugly ballsack of a donkey, with an even more vile breath.
You gormless ugly worm.
You vile foot-licking ballsack.
You smell like a mix between grick turds and rancid troll breastmilk.
You gormless foot-licking ratbag.
You mouldy whore-blooded ballsack.
You putrid dirt-licking idiot.
You vile tiny dicked ratbag.
You fat dirt-licking worm.
You smell like a mix between grick turds and rancid ogre breastmilk.
You gormless pansy-brained idiot.
You putrid dim-witted whelp.
You mungy dirt-licking moron.
You hideous dim-witted idiot.
You mouldy whore-blooded dolt.
You dour flat-assed ballsack.
You filthy dim-witted dolt.
You pukish dim-witted whelp.
You pocked foot-licking dolt.
You mewling ugly worm.
Your only natural gift is being a gormless dim-witted ratbag of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You filthy piss-stained ratbag.
You pocked ugly whelp.
You mouldy piss-stained ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a putrid tiny dicked mongrel of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You smell like a mix between minotaur turds and rancid troll breastmilk.
You pukish whore-blooded tosser.
You greasy foot-licking whelp.
You smell like a mix between troll turds and rancid grick breastmilk.
You pukish flat-assed worm.
You gormless ugly moron.
You warped plague-sored tosser.
You mewling flat-assed worm.
You mouldy flat-assed ballsack.
You clueless foot-licking dolt.
You warped chromosome collecting ballsack.
You greasy plague-sored ballsack.
Do you work hard to be such a pukish whelp?
Your only natural gift is being a dour flat-assed dolt of a donkey, with an even more vile breath.
You warped dim-witted tosser.
You greasy whore-blooded dolt.
You pocked dim-witted ballsack.
You pocked piss-stained mongrel.
You pukish chromosome collecting worm.
You putrid ugly ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a pukish flat-assed mongrel of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You clueless plague-sored dolt.
You putrid foot-licking ratbag.
You filthy whore-blooded ratbag.
You hideous pansy-brained mongrel.
You toadish dirt-licking ratbag.
You clueless tiny dicked ballsack.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your clueless face could cure the world.
You mewling foot-licking ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a rancid whore-blooded worm of a pig, with an even more mouldy breath.
You toadish dim-witted whelp.
You filthy piss-stained whelp.
You greasy tiny dicked tosser.
You mewling foot-licking moron.
You sagging whore-blooded ballsack.
You pocked tiny dicked tosser.
You mungy ugly tosser.
You filthy chromosome collecting dolt.
You mewling whore-blooded ratbag.
You toadish whore-blooded ratbag.
You pocked dirt-licking ballsack.
You vile piss-stained tosser.
You flea-covered foot-licking mongrel.
You dour flat-assed whelp.
You clueless dim-witted worm.
You flea-covered plague-sored idiot.
You toadish chromosome collecting dolt.
You hideous chromosome collecting mongrel.
You greasy chromosome collecting worm.
You mouldy plague-sored idiot.
You mouldy plague-sored ratbag.
You flea-covered piss-stained idiot.
You sagging piss-stained moron.
You dim-witted piss-stained ballsack.
You pocked pansy-brained mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a flea-covered mongrel?
You sagging flat-assed tosser.
You mungy foot-licking moron.
You filthy foot-licking whelp.
You sagging ugly whelp.
You dour whore-blooded worm.
You gormless chromosome collecting ballsack.
You putrid plague-sored worm.
You clueless dirt-licking tosser.
You mungy piss-stained dolt.
You rancid tiny dicked mongrel.
You dour pansy-brained worm.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your flea-covered face.
You hideous piss-stained worm.
With a clueless face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You dim-witted tiny dicked ballsack.
You putrid flat-assed moron.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that flea-covered pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You pocked piss-stained ballsack.
You pukish dim-witted dolt.
You rancid plague-sored worm.
You gormless tiny dicked tosser.
You mungy ugly whelp.
You smell like a mix between toad turds and rancid goblin breastmilk.
You warped whore-blooded dolt.
You pocked flat-assed dolt.
You hideous chromosome collecting idiot.
You warped foot-licking dolt.
You warped flat-assed whelp.
You putrid pansy-brained moron.
Your only natural gift is being a rancid chromosome collecting tosser of a pig, with an even more filthy breath.
You pukish chromosome collecting tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a mewling chromosome collecting whelp of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You pocked dim-witted whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a toadish idiot?
You fat tiny dicked mongrel.
You hideous dirt-licking idiot.
You greasy foot-licking moron.
You pocked plague-sored idiot.
You toadish tiny dicked ratbag.
You vile chromosome collecting idiot.
You putrid ugly idiot.
You hideous foot-licking tosser.
You mouldy plague-sored ballsack.
You filthy dirt-licking ratbag.
You hideous chromosome collecting tosser.
You sagging ugly ballsack.
You warped piss-stained mongrel.
You greasy dim-witted idiot.
You mungy whore-blooded whelp.
You rancid foot-licking tosser.
You rancid pansy-brained worm.
You toadish chromosome collecting idiot.
You gormless plague-sored tosser.
You dour piss-stained whelp.
You toadish flat-assed tosser.
You gormless tiny dicked ratbag.
You sagging tiny dicked whelp.
You pocked piss-stained ratbag.
You hideous dirt-licking ballsack.
You rancid whore-blooded mongrel.
You sagging piss-stained tosser.
You sagging dirt-licking dolt.
You greasy ugly moron.
You fat pansy-brained moron.
You vile flat-assed moron.
Your only natural gift is being a rancid foot-licking ballsack of a pig, with an even more mouldy breath.
You toadish piss-stained dolt.
You vile pansy-brained ballsack.
You putrid piss-stained mongrel.
You pocked plague-sored ratbag.
You dour whore-blooded mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a putrid pansy-brained whelp of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You putrid dim-witted tosser.
You smell like a mix between orc turds and rancid gnoll breastmilk.
You sagging whore-blooded whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a mewling tosser?
Your only natural gift is being a greasy tiny dicked mongrel of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You toadish chromosome collecting moron.
You gormless whore-blooded mongrel.
You sagging chromosome collecting mongrel.
You dim-witted tiny dicked tosser.
You pukish piss-stained worm.
You clueless tiny dicked dolt.
You vile tiny dicked mongrel.
You putrid plague-sored tosser.
You putrid chromosome collecting idiot.
You sagging piss-stained mongrel.
You hideous ugly worm.
You pocked piss-stained idiot.
You mouldy whore-blooded whelp.
You mouldy piss-stained whelp.
You fat dirt-licking moron.
You sagging whore-blooded dolt.
You mouldy chromosome collecting moron.
You mewling pansy-brained ballsack.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your hideous face.
You mouldy dim-witted whelp.
You gormless dirt-licking ballsack.
Do you work hard to be such a dour idiot?
If laughter is the best medicine, then your flea-covered face could cure the world.
You rancid pansy-brained ballsack.
You dour ugly mongrel.
You greasy whore-blooded ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a mewling mongrel?
You sagging dim-witted ratbag.
You putrid plague-sored dolt.
You vile plague-sored ballsack.
You warped plague-sored idiot.
Do you work hard to be such a mungy moron?
You flea-covered dirt-licking tosser.
You clueless pansy-brained mongrel.
You flea-covered plague-sored tosser.
You greasy foot-licking mongrel.
You warped pansy-brained ratbag.
You dim-witted tiny dicked mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a pukish flat-assed whelp of a pig, with an even more rancid breath.
You filthy plague-sored idiot.
Do you work hard to be such a filthy ballsack?
You rancid dim-witted dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish ugly whelp of a cow, with an even more pukish breath.
You clueless pansy-brained moron.
You pukish dim-witted tosser.
You pocked tiny dicked worm.
You smell like a mix between toad turds and rancid manticore breastmilk.
You pukish tiny dicked whelp.
You sagging flat-assed idiot.
You smell like a mix between baboon turds and rancid goblin breastmilk.
You warped chromosome collecting mongrel.
You greasy flat-assed whelp.
You pocked flat-assed mongrel.
You warped foot-licking ballsack.
You clueless flat-assed ratbag.
You flea-covered tiny dicked mongrel.
You pukish pansy-brained mongrel.
You toadish dirt-licking mongrel.
You warped ugly ratbag.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your fat face.
You fat dirt-licking dolt.
You pukish tiny dicked mongrel.
You flea-covered whore-blooded worm.
Do you work hard to be such a flea-covered whelp?
You gormless dim-witted worm.
You putrid dirt-licking ballsack.
You dim-witted tiny dicked whelp.
You toadish chromosome collecting worm.
You sagging dirt-licking moron.
You greasy dim-witted tosser.
Do you work hard to be such a mungy idiot?
Your only natural gift is being a filthy whore-blooded dolt of a cow, with an even more filthy breath.
Do you work hard to be such a rancid ballsack?
Do you work hard to be such a rancid worm?
You pukish flat-assed moron.
You hideous chromosome collecting dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy whore-blooded tosser of a pig, with an even more rancid breath.
You warped tiny dicked tosser.
You filthy foot-licking dolt.
You mewling piss-stained tosser.
You dour dirt-licking mongrel.
You mungy pansy-brained ratbag.
You mungy flat-assed ballsack.
You mungy foot-licking whelp.
You toadish plague-sored worm.
You fat whore-blooded whelp.
You mewling chromosome collecting tosser.
You vile plague-sored ratbag.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that rancid pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You fat piss-stained whelp.
You sagging pansy-brained tosser.
You hideous dim-witted whelp.
You toadish tiny dicked dolt.
You greasy dirt-licking ballsack.
You warped plague-sored whelp.
You mungy chromosome collecting worm.
You flea-covered foot-licking dolt.
You flea-covered piss-stained whelp.
You mungy whore-blooded idiot.
You toadish foot-licking mongrel.
You hideous piss-stained idiot.
You toadish pansy-brained whelp.
You rancid flat-assed ballsack.
You dour plague-sored dolt.
You fat flat-assed moron.
You mungy foot-licking ratbag.
You hideous whore-blooded ratbag.
You mewling foot-licking idiot.
You rancid ugly dolt.
You fat flat-assed tosser.
You dim-witted chromosome collecting whelp.
You mewling dim-witted moron.
You greasy ugly tosser.
You greasy flat-assed tosser.
You rancid plague-sored moron.
You pukish chromosome collecting ballsack.
You flea-covered dirt-licking ballsack.
You clueless plague-sored whelp.
You rancid plague-sored tosser.
You dour chromosome collecting idiot.
You greasy dim-witted mongrel.
You dour piss-stained moron.
You pocked plague-sored mongrel.
You smell like a mix between goblin turds and rancid toad breastmilk.
You mewling pansy-brained worm.
You hideous chromosome collecting ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a rancid dolt?
You hideous flat-assed ratbag.
You mungy whore-blooded mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a mewling ratbag?
You warped foot-licking ratbag.
You gormless foot-licking moron.
Your only natural gift is being a dour plague-sored moron of a cow, with an even more vile breath.
You filthy tiny dicked worm.
You gormless dirt-licking dolt.
You sagging dim-witted mongrel.
You dim-witted ugly mongrel.
You sagging chromosome collecting worm.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your rancid face.
You dour dim-witted ballsack.
I didn't know they made whelps this fat.
Your only natural gift is being a warped ugly tosser of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
Your only natural gift is being a gormless chromosome collecting mongrel of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You pukish plague-sored moron.
You vile dim-witted whelp.
You pocked pansy-brained idiot.
You smell like a mix between gnoll turds and rancid ogre breastmilk.
You putrid dirt-licking tosser.
You dour whore-blooded tosser.
You toadish tiny dicked worm.
You warped chromosome collecting tosser.
You putrid dim-witted ratbag.
You hideous pansy-brained tosser.
You filthy ugly ratbag.
You hideous ugly whelp.
You dim-witted piss-stained worm.
You mouldy tiny dicked tosser.
You greasy tiny dicked whelp.
With a gormless face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You vile foot-licking whelp.
You dour dirt-licking worm.
You fat plague-sored dolt.
You gormless piss-stained whelp.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your putrid face.
You mewling tiny dicked moron.
You vile ugly mongrel.
You hideous dim-witted mongrel.
You rancid chromosome collecting ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a hideous tosser?
You rancid tiny dicked worm.
You toadish ugly idiot.
You hideous ugly tosser.
You putrid chromosome collecting worm.
You clueless foot-licking moron.
You pocked dim-witted dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a mouldy whelp?
You warped piss-stained worm.
You putrid tiny dicked ballsack.
You mouldy chromosome collecting dolt.
You filthy flat-assed worm.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your pukish face could cure the world.
You rancid chromosome collecting whelp.
You vile whore-blooded whelp.
You hideous foot-licking mongrel.
You dim-witted chromosome collecting moron.
You pukish piss-stained tosser.
You toadish whore-blooded moron.
You filthy tiny dicked ballsack.
You vile pansy-brained worm.
You vile dirt-licking idiot.
You sagging pansy-brained moron.
You gormless tiny dicked whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a pukish pansy-brained idiot of a cow, with an even more vile breath.
You pukish chromosome collecting dolt.
You filthy piss-stained ballsack.
Do you work hard to be such a mouldy moron?
You mungy tiny dicked dolt.
You mouldy chromosome collecting ratbag.
You putrid whore-blooded tosser.
You mouldy piss-stained idiot.
You dour foot-licking mongrel.
You sagging dim-witted whelp.
You greasy piss-stained ballsack.
You pocked flat-assed whelp.
You dim-witted piss-stained mongrel.
You smell like a mix between baboon turds and rancid manticore breastmilk.
You flea-covered pansy-brained worm.
Do you work hard to be such a clueless whelp?
Your only natural gift is being a rancid flat-assed tosser of a pig, with an even more filthy breath.
You mouldy ugly moron.
You sagging tiny dicked ballsack.
Do you work hard to be such a gormless ratbag?
You mungy plague-sored mongrel.
You dour piss-stained ratbag.
You mouldy plague-sored mongrel.
You mungy ugly mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a dour ratbag?
Do you work hard to be such a sagging mongrel?
You pukish dim-witted moron.
You pukish whore-blooded moron.
You toadish dirt-licking ballsack.
With a pocked face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You toadish piss-stained mongrel.
You hideous chromosome collecting whelp.
You warped whore-blooded worm.
You rancid ugly worm.
You putrid plague-sored whelp.
You warped pansy-brained mongrel.
Your only natural gift is being a vile dim-witted moron of a cow, with an even more filthy breath.
You pukish pansy-brained dolt.
You dim-witted plague-sored dolt.
You hideous chromosome collecting ballsack.
You smell like a mix between ogre turds and rancid troll breastmilk.
Your only natural gift is being a warped flat-assed mongrel of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You gormless pansy-brained tosser.
You warped dirt-licking worm.
You gormless chromosome collecting mongrel.
You sagging piss-stained ballsack.
You warped whore-blooded ratbag.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your vile face.
You dour piss-stained idiot.
You warped whore-blooded ballsack.
You gormless whore-blooded moron.
You gormless chromosome collecting ratbag.
You fat piss-stained tosser.
You vile ugly moron.
You greasy tiny dicked ballsack.
You warped dim-witted ballsack.
You mungy whore-blooded moron.
You mouldy dim-witted ratbag.
You gormless piss-stained ratbag.
You vile chromosome collecting moron.
You flea-covered ugly ratbag.
You pocked tiny dicked ratbag.
You toadish plague-sored ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a vile piss-stained dolt of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You mewling piss-stained idiot.
You rancid whore-blooded ballsack.
You pukish piss-stained moron.
You warped flat-assed moron.
You putrid pansy-brained ballsack.
You pukish pansy-brained moron.
You dim-witted pansy-brained idiot.
You toadish dirt-licking worm.
You flea-covered dirt-licking dolt.
You clueless pansy-brained idiot.
You pukish dim-witted worm.
You dour foot-licking idiot.
You gormless chromosome collecting worm.
You clueless foot-licking ballsack.
You mewling plague-sored whelp.
You toadish ugly whelp.
You mungy plague-sored ratbag.
You dour dim-witted tosser.
You rancid plague-sored whelp.
You mouldy tiny dicked ballsack.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your dour face could cure the world.
You mewling chromosome collecting ratbag.
You gormless foot-licking idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish ugly tosser of a cow, with an even more putrid breath.
You mewling tiny dicked worm.
You vile pansy-brained mongrel.
You warped whore-blooded tosser.
You sagging tiny dicked worm.
You fat dim-witted moron.
You gormless chromosome collecting whelp.
You mungy foot-licking worm.
You dim-witted dim-witted ratbag.
You toadish dirt-licking tosser.
You gormless whore-blooded dolt.
You fat dim-witted tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish dirt-licking idiot of a pig, with an even more rancid breath.
You warped piss-stained idiot.
You dour dirt-licking tosser.
You mewling tiny dicked dolt.
You mungy foot-licking ballsack.
Do you work hard to be such a flea-covered worm?
You rancid dirt-licking ratbag.
You smell like a mix between grick turds and rancid toad breastmilk.
You pocked foot-licking whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a dour dim-witted idiot of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You hideous whore-blooded moron.
You mungy piss-stained worm.
You smell like a mix between ogre turds and rancid gnoll breastmilk.
You look like some gnoll's genitalia fell off and sprouted limbs.
You gormless ugly ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a sagging flat-assed dolt of a pig, with an even more rancid breath.
You toadish dim-witted mongrel.
You flea-covered pansy-brained tosser.
Your only natural gift is being a pukish foot-licking moron of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You filthy foot-licking moron.
You fat ugly worm.
You sagging whore-blooded moron.
You greasy flat-assed dolt.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your fat face could cure the world.
You sagging foot-licking ratbag.
You warped flat-assed worm.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your filthy face could cure the world.
You pukish plague-sored dolt.
You pukish dirt-licking worm.
You pukish ugly worm.
You dour flat-assed dolt.
You clueless piss-stained idiot.
You mungy dirt-licking ballsack.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that pukish pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You dour ugly whelp.
You sagging piss-stained idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a clueless whore-blooded dolt of a donkey, with an even more rancid breath.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your pukish face.
You mungy chromosome collecting ballsack.
You smell like a mix between grick turds and rancid gnoll breastmilk.
You mungy foot-licking tosser.
You pocked plague-sored moron.
You greasy flat-assed idiot.
You mewling plague-sored mongrel.
You mewling dim-witted ballsack.
Your only natural gift is being a fat pansy-brained whelp of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
Do you work hard to be such a dour dolt?
You rancid flat-assed tosser.
You warped whore-blooded mongrel.
You greasy piss-stained worm.
You warped foot-licking tosser.
You mouldy chromosome collecting mongrel.
You toadish plague-sored dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a greasy whore-blooded whelp of a cow, with an even more vile breath.
Do you work hard to be such a clueless mongrel?
You greasy chromosome collecting mongrel.
You hideous dirt-licking tosser.
Do you work hard to be such a pocked moron?
You're as dumb as a orc and half as charming.
You fat dim-witted dolt.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your dim-witted face could cure the world.
You greasy pansy-brained moron.
You mouldy whore-blooded idiot.
You mungy whore-blooded ballsack.
Do you work hard to be such a gormless moron?
You putrid tiny dicked tosser.
You flea-covered flat-assed whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a dour moron?
You mewling chromosome collecting whelp.
You mungy pansy-brained moron.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your warped face could cure the world.
You mewling pansy-brained mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a toadish dolt?
You filthy dim-witted worm.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that clueless pile of rotten meat you call a face.
Your only natural gift is being a dim-witted dim-witted worm of a cow, with an even more vile breath.
You fat chromosome collecting moron.
Your only natural gift is being a rancid plague-sored worm of a donkey, with an even more mouldy breath.
You gormless foot-licking whelp.
You dour ugly tosser.
You putrid piss-stained idiot.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that sagging pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You clueless plague-sored ballsack.
You gormless piss-stained dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a vile idiot?
You flea-covered pansy-brained mongrel.
You pocked whore-blooded whelp.
You rancid piss-stained whelp.
You hideous whore-blooded ballsack.
You sagging chromosome collecting moron.
You dour whore-blooded idiot.
You putrid dim-witted moron.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your mewling face could cure the world.
You pocked flat-assed idiot.
You dour dirt-licking moron.
You hideous foot-licking whelp.
You mewling dirt-licking idiot.
You smell like a mix between gnoll turds and rancid troll breastmilk.
You putrid plague-sored moron.
You dim-witted pansy-brained mongrel.
You toadish whore-blooded tosser.
You toadish pansy-brained mongrel.
You dour flat-assed mongrel.
You mungy dim-witted ratbag.
You gormless flat-assed ratbag.
You putrid whore-blooded worm.
You warped tiny dicked ballsack.
You gormless whore-blooded tosser.
You filthy dirt-licking moron.
You toadish whore-blooded mongrel.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your greasy face could cure the world.
You toadish piss-stained tosser.
You mungy piss-stained tosser.
You hideous tiny dicked ratbag.
You smell like a mix between ogre turds and rancid goblin breastmilk.
You clueless ugly mongrel.
You mewling plague-sored idiot.
You pukish piss-stained mongrel.
You mouldy tiny dicked dolt.
You warped chromosome collecting dolt.
You rancid dim-witted moron.
You mewling ugly ballsack.
You sagging ugly mongrel.
You fat tiny dicked whelp.
You flea-covered foot-licking ballsack.
You gormless flat-assed moron.
You greasy ugly idiot.
You pukish pansy-brained ratbag.
You fat plague-sored tosser.
You pocked whore-blooded dolt.
You putrid chromosome collecting moron.
You mouldy ugly worm.
You fat whore-blooded ballsack.
You toadish ugly tosser.
You hideous ugly dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a putrid dim-witted dolt of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You pocked piss-stained worm.
You hideous dim-witted ratbag.
You hideous tiny dicked whelp.
You clueless piss-stained moron.
You fat foot-licking dolt.
You pukish foot-licking tosser.
You pocked foot-licking ratbag.
You mewling dirt-licking mongrel.
You filthy plague-sored whelp.
You filthy whore-blooded worm.
You putrid dim-witted dolt.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that dim-witted pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You putrid piss-stained ballsack.
You dour chromosome collecting ballsack.
You pukish foot-licking dolt.
You clueless dim-witted idiot.
You warped plague-sored mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a gormless worm?
You rancid dim-witted ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a dim-witted ballsack?
You mungy ugly idiot.
You mouldy flat-assed dolt.
You dour flat-assed tosser.
You dim-witted ugly idiot.
You smell like a mix between gnoll turds and rancid goblin breastmilk.
You warped foot-licking idiot.
With a sagging face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You putrid foot-licking mongrel.
You mungy piss-stained mongrel.
You pocked tiny dicked mongrel.
You gormless plague-sored mongrel.
You dour chromosome collecting ratbag.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your gormless face.
You dour dirt-licking whelp.
You mewling dirt-licking whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a mouldy dirt-licking dolt of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You rancid tiny dicked idiot.
You mouldy pansy-brained dolt.
You dour dim-witted dolt.
You fat ugly tosser.
You toadish whore-blooded worm.
You rancid chromosome collecting moron.
You mewling dirt-licking moron.
You flea-covered flat-assed mongrel.
You putrid ugly dolt.
You putrid piss-stained whelp.
You vile piss-stained moron.
You greasy pansy-brained ballsack.
You sagging flat-assed ratbag.
You putrid ugly mongrel.
You hideous dim-witted dolt.
You gormless ugly idiot.
You mouldy chromosome collecting ballsack.
You smell like a mix between minotaur turds and rancid toad breastmilk.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish foot-licking whelp of a cow, with an even more vile breath.
You pukish dirt-licking whelp.
You filthy dirt-licking whelp.
You flea-covered tiny dicked whelp.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your pocked face.
You sagging foot-licking dolt.
You mungy ugly moron.
You hideous chromosome collecting moron.
You rancid plague-sored dolt.
You mungy pansy-brained mongrel.
You sagging dirt-licking ballsack.
You warped tiny dicked ratbag.
You pocked dim-witted ratbag.
You rancid ugly mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a greasy ballsack?
You mungy ugly ratbag.
You pukish dim-witted idiot.
You flea-covered dim-witted ratbag.
You flea-covered chromosome collecting worm.
You flea-covered dim-witted worm.
You pukish plague-sored mongrel.
You gormless dim-witted idiot.
You greasy dirt-licking whelp.
You mewling dirt-licking worm.
You dour pansy-brained idiot.
You mungy foot-licking idiot.
You look like some minotaur's genitalia fell off and sprouted limbs.
You filthy chromosome collecting ratbag.
You clueless chromosome collecting dolt.
You vile dim-witted worm.
You greasy piss-stained mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a flea-covered moron?
You gormless flat-assed idiot.
You gormless piss-stained moron.
You pukish pansy-brained ballsack.
You greasy plague-sored tosser.
You pukish dirt-licking dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a mungy mongrel?
You dim-witted chromosome collecting idiot.
Do you work hard to be such a putrid whelp?
You pocked piss-stained whelp.
You hideous pansy-brained dolt.
You mungy dim-witted whelp.
You fat flat-assed idiot.
With a rancid face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You pocked dim-witted tosser.
You flea-covered piss-stained ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a pukish piss-stained mongrel of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
You dour dirt-licking ratbag.
You mungy tiny dicked ballsack.
You mewling ugly ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a pocked idiot?
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your mungy face.
You pukish dirt-licking ratbag.
You fat pansy-brained tosser.
You mungy dirt-licking tosser.
You fat foot-licking tosser.
You dour piss-stained tosser.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that greasy pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You pukish flat-assed dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a toadish tiny dicked moron of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You toadish tiny dicked tosser.
You rancid chromosome collecting mongrel.
You toadish pansy-brained tosser.
You pukish plague-sored whelp.
You mungy ugly worm.
You look like some ogre's genitalia fell off and sprouted limbs.
You pukish whore-blooded ratbag.
You toadish dim-witted dolt.
You gormless plague-sored idiot.
You fat ugly mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a dour worm?
With a hideous face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
Your only natural gift is being a dour piss-stained tosser of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that mungy pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You fat ugly moron.
You gormless tiny dicked dolt.
You warped pansy-brained moron.
You sagging flat-assed worm.
You flea-covered chromosome collecting whelp.
You dour ugly ballsack.
You putrid piss-stained tosser.
You greasy foot-licking tosser.
You dim-witted piss-stained ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a mewling plague-sored tosser of a cow, with an even more vile breath.
You rancid pansy-brained tosser.
You sagging dirt-licking whelp.
You putrid plague-sored idiot.
Your only natural gift is being a dour tiny dicked tosser of a pig, with an even more pukish breath.
You flea-covered dim-witted dolt.
You rancid piss-stained worm.
You mungy chromosome collecting tosser.
You clueless whore-blooded ratbag.
You putrid dirt-licking worm.
You toadish tiny dicked moron.
You pukish tiny dicked tosser.
You pocked piss-stained moron.
You vile flat-assed whelp.
You warped piss-stained ratbag.
You clueless plague-sored tosser.
You mungy chromosome collecting dolt.
You pocked chromosome collecting dolt.
You rancid flat-assed mongrel.
You rancid whore-blooded tosser.
You pukish chromosome collecting moron.
I'd say you look like minotaurs, but that's an insult to minotaurs!
You mouldy chromosome collecting tosser.
You fat foot-licking moron.
You mewling flat-assed ratbag.
You sagging dim-witted worm.
You mewling ugly tosser.
You sagging flat-assed ballsack.
You mouldy dim-witted mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a gormless dolt?
You flea-covered whore-blooded moron.
You smell like a mix between manticore turds and rancid baboon breastmilk.
You clueless ugly whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a dim-witted piss-stained whelp of a donkey, with an even more vile breath.
You dour pansy-brained ballsack.
You look like some manticore's genitalia fell off and sprouted limbs.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that fat pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You dim-witted flat-assed moron.
You flea-covered whore-blooded dolt.
You pocked piss-stained dolt.
You filthy pansy-brained worm.
You dim-witted foot-licking tosser.
You putrid tiny dicked whelp.
You fat whore-blooded tosser.
You mungy tiny dicked tosser.
You toadish dirt-licking whelp.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your mungy face could cure the world.
Your only natural gift is being a pocked chromosome collecting moron of a pig, with an even more putrid breath.
You toadish dim-witted ratbag.
Do you work hard to be such a dour whelp?
You mungy dim-witted worm.
You flea-covered chromosome collecting dolt.
You gormless chromosome collecting dolt.
You're as dumb as a grick and half as charming.
Your only natural gift is being a hideous whore-blooded idiot of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
You fat flat-assed ballsack.
You mewling flat-assed ballsack.
You smell like a mix between troll turds and rancid manticore breastmilk.
With a fat face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You greasy chromosome collecting ballsack.
You rancid foot-licking mongrel.
You dim-witted flat-assed ballsack.
You mouldy dirt-licking moron.
You flea-covered dirt-licking ratbag.
You clueless plague-sored mongrel.
You vile dim-witted ratbag.
I'd say you look like gnolls, but that's an insult to gnolls!
You flea-covered ugly tosser.
You sagging plague-sored idiot.
You sagging foot-licking idiot.
You mewling flat-assed dolt.
I didn't know they made ratbags this fat.
You vile chromosome collecting ballsack.
You vile piss-stained dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a filthy moron?
You fat foot-licking mongrel.
You gormless tiny dicked mongrel.
To fix your rancid breath you'd need to gargle with Alchemist's Fire.
You're as dumb as a toad and half as charming.
You rancid pansy-brained ratbag.
You smell like a mix between goblin turds and rancid manticore breastmilk.
You greasy dim-witted ratbag.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that mewling pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You smell like a mix between manticore turds and rancid goblin breastmilk.
You smell like a mix between baboon turds and rancid minotaur breastmilk.
You dour dirt-licking ballsack.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that gormless pile of rotten meat you call a face.
Your bark is worse than your bite, but it's your putrid breath that's worst of all.
Your only natural gift is being a hideous foot-licking tosser of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
With a mouldy face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You vile whore-blooded worm.
Your bark is worse than your bite, but it's your vile breath that's worst of all.
You sagging tiny dicked dolt.
You dim-witted pansy-brained worm.
To fix your vile breath you'd need to gargle with Alchemist's Fire.
You fat tiny dicked tosser.
You fat ugly whelp.
You rancid tiny dicked whelp.
You clueless dirt-licking mongrel.
You fat dirt-licking whelp.
You warped flat-assed dolt.
With a pukish face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You gormless ugly whelp.
You mouldy pansy-brained tosser.
You're as dumb as a baboon and half as charming.
Your only natural gift is being a vile piss-stained ratbag of a pig, with an even more mouldy breath.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your mouldy face could cure the world.
You vile chromosome collecting whelp.
Your only natural gift is being a dim-witted chromosome collecting idiot of a donkey, with an even more rancid breath.
You look like some orc's genitalia fell off and sprouted limbs.
You pocked chromosome collecting idiot.
You clueless whore-blooded whelp.
You hideous flat-assed tosser.
You putrid pansy-brained dolt.
You mouldy tiny dicked mongrel.
You mungy pansy-brained tosser.
You mungy tiny dicked worm.
You rancid ugly idiot.
You pocked chromosome collecting whelp.
With a mungy face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You toadish dirt-licking idiot.
You flea-covered dirt-licking mongrel.
You mungy dirt-licking ratbag.
You dim-witted tiny dicked dolt.
You greasy foot-licking idiot.
You warped chromosome collecting worm.
You warped chromosome collecting ratbag.
You putrid foot-licking idiot.
You putrid plague-sored mongrel.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your greasy face.
You flea-covered flat-assed dolt.
You flea-covered dim-witted ballsack.
You putrid dirt-licking moron.
You putrid whore-blooded ballsack.
You filthy dim-witted ballsack.
You mewling chromosome collecting dolt.
You mouldy dirt-licking ratbag.
You pocked ugly dolt.
You pukish whore-blooded idiot.
You rancid chromosome collecting idiot.
You mouldy ugly mongrel.
You clueless tiny dicked worm.
Do you work hard to be such a vile mongrel?
You putrid ugly moron.
With a putrid face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You hideous flat-assed dolt.
With a mewling face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You mewling foot-licking mongrel.
You clueless tiny dicked tosser.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that mouldy pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You fat piss-stained moron.
You vile tiny dicked dolt.
You mouldy foot-licking worm.
With a greasy face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You vile dirt-licking whelp.
You dour piss-stained mongrel.
You mouldy dirt-licking mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a mewling idiot?
With a flea-covered face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You look like some baboon's genitalia fell off and sprouted limbs.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your warped face.
You mewling chromosome collecting idiot.
You toadish foot-licking ratbag.
You toadish ugly moron.
Save your mouldy breath for inflating your girlfriend.
You dim-witted foot-licking dolt.
You gormless piss-stained tosser.
You toadish plague-sored tosser.
You fat plague-sored worm.
Your only natural gift is being a filthy flat-assed tosser of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You pukish tiny dicked moron.
You're as dumb as a goblin and half as charming.
You pocked chromosome collecting ratbag.
You mungy plague-sored tosser.
You dour foot-licking worm.
You clueless chromosome collecting ratbag.
You clueless pansy-brained dolt.
You sagging plague-sored worm.
Your only natural gift is being a rancid ugly worm of a pig, with an even more rancid breath.
You pukish whore-blooded worm.
You mouldy whore-blooded moron.
Do you work hard to be such a vile ratbag?
You fat piss-stained mongrel.
You putrid flat-assed worm.
You greasy pansy-brained tosser.
You pukish ugly moron.
You putrid whore-blooded mongrel.
You sagging ugly ratbag.
You greasy dirt-licking idiot.
Your bark is worse than your bite, but it's your pukish breath that's worst of all.
You toadish foot-licking dolt.
You mewling whore-blooded moron.
You filthy foot-licking mongrel.
You filthy flat-assed idiot.
You warped plague-sored ratbag.
You filthy pansy-brained ballsack.
I'd say you look like gricks, but that's an insult to gricks!
You toadish whore-blooded dolt.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your clueless face.
You flea-covered tiny dicked tosser.
You dour plague-sored idiot.
You filthy flat-assed ballsack.
You clueless whore-blooded dolt.
Your only natural gift is being a filthy tiny dicked moron of a donkey, with an even more vile breath.
You clueless ugly idiot.
You filthy tiny dicked whelp.
Do you work hard to be such a gormless mongrel?
I'd say you look like trolls, but that's an insult to trolls!
You mungy flat-assed worm.
You vile flat-assed worm.
Your only natural gift is being a greasy plague-sored whelp of a donkey, with an even more filthy breath.
You look like some goblin's genitalia fell off and sprouted limbs.
You pocked pansy-brained dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a filthy ratbag?
You filthy dirt-licking mongrel.
You filthy dirt-licking worm.
You dim-witted foot-licking ballsack.
You dour whore-blooded ratbag.
You pukish chromosome collecting idiot.
You dour dirt-licking dolt.
You hideous ugly ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a rancid pansy-brained ratbag of a cow, with an even more rancid breath.
You flea-covered plague-sored dolt.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that warped pile of rotten meat you call a face.
I'd say you look like ogres, but that's an insult to ogres!
You dim-witted plague-sored tosser.
You flea-covered flat-assed ballsack.
You pocked pansy-brained ratbag.
I didn't know they made morons this fat.
You vile whore-blooded moron.
You mungy flat-assed mongrel.
You smell like a mix between minotaur turds and rancid orc breastmilk.
You rancid pansy-brained idiot.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that toadish pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You pukish flat-assed ratbag.
Your bark is worse than your bite, but it's your rancid breath that's worst of all.
You warped whore-blooded idiot.
You clueless foot-licking tosser.
You mewling whore-blooded tosser.
Do you work hard to be such a flea-covered ballsack?
You clueless flat-assed whelp.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that putrid pile of rotten meat you call a face.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your hideous face could cure the world.
You greasy chromosome collecting moron.
You clueless flat-assed worm.
You mouldy dim-witted tosser.
You gormless dim-witted moron.
You pukish pansy-brained idiot.
You toadish piss-stained idiot.
You vile tiny dicked tosser.
You mouldy flat-assed mongrel.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your gormless face could cure the world.
With a dour face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You hideous foot-licking moron.
You dim-witted plague-sored idiot.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your vile face could cure the world.
Your only natural gift is being a pukish flat-assed idiot of a cow, with an even more putrid breath.
With a warped face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You greasy piss-stained whelp.
Save your filthy breath for inflating your girlfriend.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your filthy face.
You putrid foot-licking dolt.
You fat flat-assed mongrel.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that hideous pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You mouldy dirt-licking dolt.
You mouldy chromosome collecting idiot.
You warped tiny dicked mongrel.
Do you work hard to be such a mungy dolt?
You putrid ugly tosser.
You putrid chromosome collecting ballsack.
I didn't know they made ballsacks this fat.
You're the poster child for beating your children.
You clueless piss-stained tosser.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your rancid face could cure the world.
You filthy whore-blooded whelp.
You pukish plague-sored tosser.
You mewling pansy-brained tosser.
You pocked flat-assed moron.
You vile ugly tosser.
I'd say you look like toads, but that's an insult to toads!
You putrid foot-licking tosser.
You warped dirt-licking whelp.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your toadish face.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your toadish face could cure the world.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your sagging face could cure the world.
You rancid ugly ratbag.
You warped plague-sored ballsack.
You mungy flat-assed moron.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your putrid face could cure the world.
Your only natural gift is being a flea-covered tiny dicked dolt of a cow, with an even more mouldy breath.
You sagging dim-witted ballsack.
You dim-witted ugly dolt.
You sagging foot-licking worm.
You fat whore-blooded worm.
You pocked pansy-brained tosser.
With a filthy face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You clueless whore-blooded idiot.
You look like some troll's genitalia fell off and sprouted limbs.
You gormless foot-licking ballsack.
Your bark is worse than your bite, but it's your mouldy breath that's worst of all.
You're as dumb as a manticore and half as charming.
You pocked plague-sored ballsack.
You flea-covered dim-witted moron.
You clueless ugly ratbag.
Your only natural gift is being a rancid piss-stained ratbag of a cow, with an even more vile breath.
You pocked dirt-licking ratbag.
You greasy tiny dicked worm.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your dim-witted face.
You mewling chromosome collecting ballsack.
You pukish ugly dolt.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your dour face.
You vile dirt-licking ballsack.
You warped dirt-licking mongrel.
With a vile face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You pukish foot-licking moron.
You couldn't even win against a fire elemental if you were underwater.
You mouldy flat-assed ratbag.
You warped pansy-brained whelp.
To fix your putrid breath you'd need to gargle with Alchemist's Fire.
Do you work hard to be such a rancid idiot?
Do you work hard to be such a sagging ratbag?
You clueless ugly dolt.
Do you work hard to be such a gormless idiot?
Your only natural gift is being a fat chromosome collecting ballsack of a donkey, with an even more putrid breath.
You sagging pansy-brained worm.
You mewling plague-sored moron.
You're so full of shit you need a laxative just to talk.
You fat chromosome collecting idiot.
Are *all* your weapons this pathetic?
You flea-covered plague-sored ballsack.
You vile piss-stained idiot.
You clueless chromosome collecting moron.
It must be so much easier buying gifts for your sister, wife, and mother when they're the same person.
Your only natural gift is being a hideous pansy-brained moron of a donkey, with an even more pukish breath.
I didn't know they made tossers this fat.
You smell like a mix between gnoll turds and rancid manticore breastmilk.
You putrid ugly worm.
You dim-witted plague-sored worm.
You clueless flat-assed idiot.
You mouldy whore-blooded ratbag.
You hideous whore-blooded worm.
You rancid whore-blooded whelp.
You greasy whore-blooded idiot.
Did someone teach you wrong as a joke?
You flea-covered ugly moron.
You toadish tiny dicked idiot.
You vile whore-blooded tosser.
When you play hide and seek, no one looks for you.
I didn't know they made idiots this fat.
I'd say you look like goblins, but that's an insult to goblins!
You pocked tiny dicked dolt.
You mewling piss-stained whelp.
You sagging pansy-brained idiot.
You smell like a mix between manticore turds and rancid toad breastmilk.
You pocked whore-blooded idiot.
You're a maggot pie served from a dwarf's codpiece.
You gormless dirt-licking worm.
You filthy plague-sored mongrel.
With a toadish face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
You filthy plague-sored worm.
You fat foot-licking ratbag.
You're as dumb as a troll and half as charming.
You hideous plague-sored tosser.
You dim-witted dim-witted worm.
You hideous piss-stained mongrel.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your sagging face.
You mungy plague-sored idiot.
You putrid whore-blooded ratbag.
You pocked flat-assed ballsack.
You putrid flat-assed ratbag.
You look like your face was on fire and someone tried to put it out with a pickaxe.
You rancid chromosome collecting ballsack.
You mouldy piss-stained tosser.
To fix your mouldy breath you'd need to gargle with Alchemist's Fire.
You fat pansy-brained ballsack.
You warped chromosome collecting whelp.
Putting teeth in your mouth ruined a perfectly good asshole.
I'd say you look like manticores, but that's an insult to manticores!
You putrid piss-stained dolt.
At first I thought you're brave, but then I realized you're just stupid.
You toadish dim-witted ballsack.
I thought the gods never made mistakes until I met you.
You mewling flat-assed moron.
You smell like a mix between minotaur turds and rancid baboon breastmilk.
You pukish plague-sored idiot.
You putrid flat-assed dolt.
You pukish foot-licking ballsack.
I don't usually engage in mental combat with the unarmed, but I'll make an exception for you.
I didn't know they made dolts this fat.
You vile chromosome collecting tosser.
You clueless piss-stained ratbag.
You're as dumb as a ogre and half as charming.
If laughter is the best medicine, then your pocked face could cure the world.
Save your rancid breath for inflating your girlfriend.
Were you dropped on your head as a baby, or thrown against a wall?
You greasy chromosome collecting dolt.
You gormless dim-witted ratbag.
If a dog was as ugly as you, I'd shave his butt and have him walk backwards.
You rancid whore-blooded dolt.
I've washed more brains off my weapon than there is in your head.
You dour pansy-brained tosser.
I'd insult your parents, but I doubt you know them.
Do you work hard to be such a greasy whelp?
You look like some grick's genitalia fell off and sprouted limbs.
You hideous dirt-licking mongrel.
Save your vile breath for inflating your girlfriend.
What was the first part of you to rot off, your brain or your balls?
You look like some toad's genitalia fell off and sprouted limbs.
I'd say you look like baboons, but that's an insult to baboons!
Looking at you is the best excuse to drink I've ever seen.
Is there some elemental plane of stupid that you came from?
You mouldy plague-sored whelp.
I thought breath weapons were supposed to come out of your mouth!
You warped pansy-brained tosser.
Your father would've been disappointed in you, had he actually stayed.
You fat pansy-brained idiot.
Your stupidity would give an illithid indigestion.
You greasy tiny dicked idiot.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that dour pile of rotten meat you call a face.
You greasy plague-sored mongrel.
All the magic in this world and none of it can make you smarter.
I didn't know they made mongrels this fat.
What are you going to do for a face when the monkey wants his butt back?
I didn't know they made worms this fat.
You vile piss-stained worm.
You filthy plague-sored moron.
You smell like a mix between minotaur turds and rancid grick breastmilk.
Is that fat ass natural, or was your mom a drider?
I would insult you, but mother nature has beaten me to the punch.
Your best attack against a Mind Flayer is starvation.
It's a real shame that your last words will be so vapid.
If I wanted to hear something from a mouth like yours, I'd fart.
You gormless pansy-brained ratbag.
You're as dumb as a gnoll and half as charming.
You pukish chromosome collecting whelp.
To see things from your perspective I'd have to crawl around and sniff asses.
You smell like a mix between gnoll turds and rancid minotaur breastmilk.
Your only natural gift is being a mungy dirt-licking idiot of a cow, with an even more putrid breath.
You dour dim-witted mongrel.
You warped dim-witted whelp.
You vile dim-witted ballsack.
You mungy whore-blooded ratbag.
Two wrongs don't make a right, just look at your parents.
You toadish dirt-licking dolt.
You mungy piss-stained whelp.
I'd give you a helmet, but nothing that gets through your thick skull will be stopped by metal, and there's nothing to damage anyway.
You toadish pansy-brained moron.
You look like you sleep on a pillow of caltrops.
You're like Rapunzel but the only thing you let down is everyone else.
You hideous plague-sored ratbag.
I'd heard you were terrible, but I didn't realize they meant your mouldy face.
You're as dumb as a minotaur and half as charming.
What flies faster, arrows or your family leaving you?
I'd draw my dagger, but I don't want to make you jealous.
Your only natural gift is being a warped tiny dicked mongrel of a pig, with an even more vile breath.
Really I'm doing you a favor by smashing up that vile pile of rotten meat you call a face.
Were you hit by an acid arrow or have you always looked like that?
You flea-covered ugly whelp.
You flea-covered plague-sored mongrel.
You hideous plague-sored worm.
If you were any more inbred you'd be a sandwich.
You toadish ugly dolt.
Some people have a stick up their ass, you have the whole tree.
You're not a complete idiot, some parts are clearly missing.
You remind me of what I left in the chamber pot last night.
If ignorance is bliss, then why aren't you happier?
You aren't nearly pretty enough to be this stupid.
You take after your mother. I ran her through as well.
You clueless pansy-brained tosser.
Growing up with such a pitiful package has skewed what you consider an effective weapon.
You're like a caltrop, if you fell down you'd do more damage.
You dour ugly dolt.
You pocked dim-witted moron.
I've had shits that were more effort than you.
I'd say I don't want to remember you this way, but who will even remember you?
If you were any more incompetent you'd just shit yourself and suffocate.
When pouring you into the mold they forgot to stop.
To fix your filthy breath you'd need to gargle with Alchemist's Fire.
I'd say you look like orcs, but that's an insult to orcs!
Why don’t you give me your weapon so I can hit myself with it, that'd be more effective than you trying.
You warped dim-witted dolt.
If I looked like that I'd jump face-first into a pit of acid. Or did you already?
The best feature of people like you is that you die.
Do you work hard to be such a pukish mongrel?
I wish you were clean enough to spit on.
Your bark is worse than your bite, but it's your filthy breath that's worst of all.
You're not half the man your mother is.
You dour plague-sored tosser.
If being a moron was a crime you'd have already been sentenced to death.
You're so fat you could sit on a dagger and make it come out a longsword.
When wizards cast detect thoughts on you do they wonder why it didn't work?
It's incredible you can bring such joy to a room by simply leaving it.
Should I be using smaller words so you can understand?
Not even a doppleganger could mimic your horrific visage.
With thrusts like that it's no wonder your mom always has time for me.
You gormless dirt-licking moron.
I'd ask for your next of kin, but you're clearly a virgin.
You dour chromosome collecting tosser.
You mouldy foot-licking whelp.
It's pointless to insult you because you'll die before you figure out.
We may both be assholes, but you're also boring.
I've heard more witty banter from zombies.
You filthy dim-witted idiot.
To fix your pukish breath you'd need to gargle with Alchemist's Fire.
Were you born or defecated?
Are you stupid or just ugly?
Save your putrid breath for inflating your girlfriend.
I consider it a favor that no one will have to face you again.
You couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.
You vile foot-licking tosser.
This is going to end with that weapon sticking out of your ass.
Did you brush your teeth with a hammer?
Save your pukish breath for inflating your girlfriend.
With a dim-witted face like that, you'd make a lovely corpse.
The only thing you've ever defeated are high expectations.
Everyone makes mistakes but you're really abusing the privilege.
I'd tell you to summon some friends, but they'd just kill themselves.
Did your mother cast darkness to feed you?
Somewhere there's a village searching for their idiot.
You clueless whore-blooded moron.